aiyo.. funny dunno why my laptop cant go to other website beside the sch webby lor... kao... before that anywhere also can go leh... haiz... wed was abit bad bad day for me... cause i didnt know must complete my tutorial!!! ah!! lucky my teacher close one eye! aiyo i must really stop feeling that everyday is a holiday la!! oh ya.. my chem teacher hor.. aiyo so cute as in mentally not physically.... u know he really so crazy abt NEMO!!! hahaa.. he go n enter some lucky draw thingy then won the nemo shirt and so happy... then show us the shirt somemore sia..
then after my class ended at 3.. go me sylvester.. watch finding nemo on my laptop... then he went home first.. i go meet my mei mei pat! we go library.. then dunno why she walk up the library up n up... then saw corrine big bro wei lun lianne there... they all having the meeting for the CA car wash thingy... then i felt very weird... why they all got meeting nv call me huh... then i realise.. oh forgot they pick out the 6 ppl from diff group to be in that special committee for every new event... so me n pat was extra... but anyway later andy n darren came.. then we walk to the bussiness block there to check out the venue for the car wash...
andy told me to come for all the meeting.. he wan me in the sub committee... i'll try to make it.. cause i wan to be part of ca.. dunno got time to go to all the meeting.. cause now still working mah... then later on wei lun left for work!! i am a bit shock cause he dun look like those will work n study one leh.. hahaa... wonder how he cope with sch n cca.. maybe his timetable much more relax than mine.. dunno must ask him..
kao i stay till so late for the meeting.. 730 then left.. haiz..
thurs.. working cause no lesson... went to ps early.. was still talking to xue er... then i went to work... then they told me to go bugis n work from 2 to 6.. cause they need ppl.. hahaa quite happy leh.. cause i was paid while travelling to bugis leh.. hehee... then go bugis work... the girl that came to ps that time was there.. the in charge.. very friendly!! kao i really start to hate centrepoint lor... sucky place... then they got this khakis short promotion one for $15 nia!! kao i wan to buy leh.. cause it is so damm cheap lor!! then later went back ps... the eleen like dunno so stress n tired... then xue er n kai shi drop by!!! hahaa... xue er keep phycho me lor.. to cut my hair and dun wan till close... but really cannot lor... cause yanti alone cant close the shop with one person unless is damm impt then call someone to replace me.. for security purpose mah.. later she close then steal some clothes how? i bear ar? then when i always wan to explaint to xue er.. then she always dun wan me to talk.. kao.. aiyo.. cant she let me explaint!!! then i really dunno why they so good to wait for me to end my work leh... is not i dun wan them to wait but is i pai sei ma.. then stupid yanti dunno why she got count all the stock took so long to count finish.. suppose to left like at least 10 or 1015 but she drag till 1045 lor... idiot.. then dunno why xue er n kai shi took cab home lor still got mrt!!! kao xue er is not i wan to say u lor... but kao.. u always complaint no $$.. then now u sell ur GD88 then go n take cab.. kao.. confirm ur $510 will spent within weeks one lor.. aiyo xue er!!! self control pls!!!
haiz i really wan to scold xue er damm badly leh... i think is really damm stupid to sell away her GD88 lor.. kao at first she was like so freaking despo for that phone.. then i even lend her $200 first to buy the phone... then somemore she stuck with 2 lines without a phone... whua lau... in the end the loogi one is her lor... aiyo!!! xue er.. after u reading this sure confirm kao peh why i say u lor.. but that is the truth lor.. aiyo... i must admit that some times u really dun think before doing things... that's why u spent ur $$ so fast..
oh ya.. then gladys yest call me.. ask what i doing tml.. then say i going cut hair lor then say bo jio.. dunno she really serious to go cut hair with me or not aiyo... gtg...
// i happy for u for feeling so xin fu with ur bf.. i'll be next angel by ur side when he is not around... \\
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
aiyo.. just finish my japs class was quite alright today... teacher said that the real lesson will only start next week.... i need to go buy textbook for my lesson... oh ya just now my cell bio the lecture i was sleeping away... kao gio really shagging me.... i guess i got to buy the textbook asap for my cell bio n the others then start to read up.... anyway now i am still in sch... gladys they all wan me to wait for them for dinner but their training have not end leh... then the guys go gym!!! kao too bad it crash with my japs class lor... argh... why all the stuff i like always crash with my schedule one....
oh ya... my mother go n buy the chinese 80s cd it is damm freaking nice lor.... first disc the best... 2nd disc ok nia... hahaa.... kao i dunno why i like the song so much leh... somemore i was like born in 1986 leh...that time still baby can remember the song one meh??? hehehee anyway glad that tml the lesson only start at 10... so can wake up abit late to go sch... but must also reach early to eat my breakfast.... nowadays... i am just so freaking shag sia... better get some sleep tonight... i dun wan tml to be a zombie again.... nowadays i will try to blog a few days in a day.... cause go home will be too sleepy to blog liao.. oh ya... today i should have wear my boardshorts to sch instead cause today no lab n no worki at gio.... tml got lab... haiz.... hope tml after sch can go cut hair with xue er n kai shi but she have not tell me yet lor.... better off my laptop liao... going to flat soon.....
oh ya... my mother go n buy the chinese 80s cd it is damm freaking nice lor.... first disc the best... 2nd disc ok nia... hahaa.... kao i dunno why i like the song so much leh... somemore i was like born in 1986 leh...that time still baby can remember the song one meh??? hehehee anyway glad that tml the lesson only start at 10... so can wake up abit late to go sch... but must also reach early to eat my breakfast.... nowadays... i am just so freaking shag sia... better get some sleep tonight... i dun wan tml to be a zombie again.... nowadays i will try to blog a few days in a day.... cause go home will be too sleepy to blog liao.. oh ya... today i should have wear my boardshorts to sch instead cause today no lab n no worki at gio.... tml got lab... haiz.... hope tml after sch can go cut hair with xue er n kai shi but she have not tell me yet lor.... better off my laptop liao... going to flat soon.....
Monday, July 14, 2003
now sitting in class... just now was so super sleepy lor... yest sleep at 1am.... then woke up at 6.15.... reach sch early... then when i was que for the free shuttle bus.... syl came... hahaa... so qiao.... then went to have breakfast together... hahaa... today first time so early reach sch... i had lots of things to eat.. heheee.... then during lesson was msg alvin lin n brandon via icq.... later must ask xue er to call me sia... need to discuss abt tml... heheee.... oh ya anyway just now was reading someone's blog... shant say out who but is really damm disgusting i was having goosebump... oh ya.. today i am wearing that t-shirts i bought from topman.. so nice... and was kind of tight fitting but not too tight... very nice i like the tone of the colour, blue.... hehehee.... today finally wearing type 1 jeans not gio jeans anymore... then went to burn cd to backup all my videos... wau... my laptop the cd writer very fast but can feel the vibration one hahaha!!!! ok later shall blog again... the stupid computer lesson so freaking boring lor then i was like half awake half listening to the thing... was teaching excel lor but there is nothing much to learn and not that useful lor... i rather they teach us flash or something more advance lor... then the stupid jeremy was sitting in front of me mah.. then he icq me... then i reply him... but i forgot that my speaker is on full blast!!! then the typing got that typewriter sound... then i immediately stop n off the typing sound for the icq... then later i send the msg... ops... i off the typing sound but i didnt off the sending sound!!! kao... lucky my teacher close one eye... then later on go canteen eat then went to work... oh ya before my computer lesson i was at canteen one with my mei mei pat... hahaa... i was telling her whether she know who is joyce from BS also or not... then i dun have joyce photo in my laptop.. then i remember i just d/l eriko mtv... then now joyce look more like eriko than namie amuro lor... so when i was just abt to show her eriko mtv... joyce was just in front of me!!! wau!! damm shocking lor!! hahaaa... but pat say she not chio leh.. but i think joyce quite chio la... aiyo those guys taking bs must be damm lucky whole day looking at girls no need to study liao hahaaa... aiyo... the shao bin promise to walk to blk 56 with me but in the end she go first without jioing me!!! so when i left sch... was talking to xue er alot... on phone... alot rubbish..hahaaa....
just now working abit tired... so sleepy.. anyway.. that stupid eleen said that she will wait for me later at 10 then go home together.. in the end she went home first... oh ya.. then when i walk in gio i was still talking to xue er.. then when i walk past eleen i said xue er.. then went into the staff room... later eleen ask me.. eh boy u got gf already huh? then i was like huh? where got... then she said.. but i thought i heard u say hey dear... then i was like NONONONO!! i was saying XUE ER not HEY DEAR lor!!! hahaaa... sian now i am so hungry.. i really hope i can stop working asap but have to wait till next sunday leh... today wanted to go mel centre and exchange my floppy disk drive for the tumbdrive but forgot to bring lor!!! haiz... oh ya... nowadays i just love to eat in sch... so freaking nice!!! i will keep on eating around the sch.. until i get sick then i go next door the SIM to eat.. hehee heard it is a very nice place to go... oh ya... i wan to wake up damm early tml liao... cause i wan to have breakfast before my lesson... not those light breakfast but alot lor!! cause now i am evolving into a pig.. hahaa...
today thought that after sch before work can have some time to cut my hair but end up... no time... haiz then xue er was telling me to go bugis n cut hair.. but dunno when she wan to go leh.. haiz... i think i gonna jio her this wed lor... cause now my hair really sux now.. haiz... oh ya.. i need to help eleen burn her cd leh... but i so lazy to d/l those songs for her... ah....
was reading sammy's blog just now... so poor thing... he like so sad... ya... i am also very bad.. nowadays just go find my nutro friends... should go jio brandon n mark n samy they all someday.... oh ya... today i saw chao yuan.. no actually is he saw me first!!!! kao... he in aero space course.. cool sia... i didnt realise that biotech is so diff to get in... chao yuan said he wanted to go biotech but cant get in.... so long nv see him already... kao tml going to be a long day for me.... gd nite ppl... will blog again in sch tml....
just now working abit tired... so sleepy.. anyway.. that stupid eleen said that she will wait for me later at 10 then go home together.. in the end she went home first... oh ya.. then when i walk in gio i was still talking to xue er.. then when i walk past eleen i said xue er.. then went into the staff room... later eleen ask me.. eh boy u got gf already huh? then i was like huh? where got... then she said.. but i thought i heard u say hey dear... then i was like NONONONO!! i was saying XUE ER not HEY DEAR lor!!! hahaaa... sian now i am so hungry.. i really hope i can stop working asap but have to wait till next sunday leh... today wanted to go mel centre and exchange my floppy disk drive for the tumbdrive but forgot to bring lor!!! haiz... oh ya... nowadays i just love to eat in sch... so freaking nice!!! i will keep on eating around the sch.. until i get sick then i go next door the SIM to eat.. hehee heard it is a very nice place to go... oh ya... i wan to wake up damm early tml liao... cause i wan to have breakfast before my lesson... not those light breakfast but alot lor!! cause now i am evolving into a pig.. hahaa...
today thought that after sch before work can have some time to cut my hair but end up... no time... haiz then xue er was telling me to go bugis n cut hair.. but dunno when she wan to go leh.. haiz... i think i gonna jio her this wed lor... cause now my hair really sux now.. haiz... oh ya.. i need to help eleen burn her cd leh... but i so lazy to d/l those songs for her... ah....
was reading sammy's blog just now... so poor thing... he like so sad... ya... i am also very bad.. nowadays just go find my nutro friends... should go jio brandon n mark n samy they all someday.... oh ya... today i saw chao yuan.. no actually is he saw me first!!!! kao... he in aero space course.. cool sia... i didnt realise that biotech is so diff to get in... chao yuan said he wanted to go biotech but cant get in.... so long nv see him already... kao tml going to be a long day for me.... gd nite ppl... will blog again in sch tml....
Sunday, July 13, 2003
whua sian lor sat... i went to work early cause juliana on mc lor.... then go help... then went for my keyboard.... kao... i was so tired then i felt asleep abit.... then i very lost during the lesson cause i very long nv practise my keyboard... so busy lor..... haiz.... then cont working... hahaha then shao came down n look for me... hehhehe... they bought quite alot of stuff..... then sat the business at ps...dunno why so good lor.... then close very late... anyway.. each home damm tired... and somemore sun got full shift... so sian.... then charlene come n visit me!!! she bring she mother her bf!!! sian a.... too busy liao... anyway i told juliana that i going to quit giordano... cause cant cope lor... cause now my schedule so tight then very difficult for them to plan and i need some private time for my own stuff.... then i went home early at abt 8.... go kimage cut hair but... close at 830 laready so early... kao.... anyway i still dunno wan to cut or not... alot ppl say my hair very short but i think is very long to make my hair stand up... haiz... impotent hair cant stand sia.... then syl came over my house stay over nite... then i monday morning which is today... went to sch with dee also..... today wear sports camp shirt!!! oh ya... anyway i gtg now cause my lesson starting at 2... still got 5mins to pia down......