can someone pls set up a fashion police station in singapore... i am just damm sick of seeing ppl that really dress like shit walking around... how many times have u ppl saw someone wearing something nice that u have and wear it with something so wrong on them or the person themselves is CRAP! so freaking turn off can!
zouk on wed was fun... monsters are damm freaking boring bunch of ppl la... they dance for the sake of shake shake abit... can they pls learn to dance like gracie! hahaa gracie really damm well la! hahaha.. syaz n gracie came soooooo late... geraldine was like sooooo soooo high! hahaha and yeah denise n rudith are damm funny too... not many guys were around but still it was fun! mr gopi was there also la how funny... and so many canoe polo ppl from other sch was there... and joyce was there for like an hr with her sch bag! hahaha... and all her kanina friends were around... the best part was... when i thought i saw eunice small neh neh... i shout sooooo freaking loud and annabelle stop me and told me is not!!!!
i just bought spongebob game for ps2! its so freaking cute can!!! they actually have voice during the game!!! OMG! and patrick is sooooo soooo cute can!!! i love him alot! he talk like a freaking gong kia can! la la la... more patrick pls!
i read chasing daylight halfway already... its just soooo sooo.... hahaha tell u all more after i read it... and i want to read freakonomic! its a business book! hahaha i think the title is soooo cool.... i wanna get a cookbook!