Ngee Ann Canoeing Club AGM 2008
Hello Everyone!
NACC everyone! agm this year was great n thanks all alumnis for attending.. i hope u all enjoyed the video that i made... you can download it via
the video i already converted to ipod format so u can upload to ur ipod n watch it whenever u feeling emo...
anyway, during the agm i wanted to talk about the whole canoeing club but everything quite messy so i decided not to spoil the mood n cut it short n play the video...
AGM is the annual event where we get to see alumnis that you probably nv see before and the year 1 that looks like they are still in sec sch... many of us see ppl coming in the club n leaving the club... paths that crossed our lives... ppl walk out our path n sometime detour back to us...
after i step down 2 years ago... i still talk to the juniors and sometimes i heard some bad things happen here n there... i am sure u all know what but i hope everyone can have this loving attitude in you to love and care for your team mates around you... regardless polo or sprint... we are under one big family n together we unite...
during my time in nacc, i learnt alot of things from ppl around me and i think i am able to learn so much more than others is because i communicate. i talk to everyone in the club... sometimes heart to heart talk and one example is denise. she might be my junior but i always highly respected her decision because she knows what to do and get things VERY organise. Hence, i did some reflections on how to improve myself to be as good as her... she trains the junior girls well which are the monsters and now look at how strong the monsters are... able to stand tall n strong without denise around. denise, indeed u had done urself and the whole club proud... we will never forget ur achievements and contributions to the club :)
that day i was in the bus with benjamin n jiun... ben was kinda upset that he is not the president... but instead its jiun... at that moment i couldnt think what to reply but now ben let me tell you that... its a blessing in disguise that jiun is the president and not you. because you did a great job as the polo men captain... which to me, is something i wish i can do and i know its not easy to tame a bunch of monkeys plus ah meng. if u were to be the president, i not sure if their will be another better replacement n i dun think double position will make u fully utilize ur potential but will do the reverse instead. however my initial plan when i was still in the 20th com is that i want you to be in the next com no matter what. so that you get involve with the com and learn some stuff before becoming someone greater, which is making u the president for 22nd com but lex chose jiun. things happened for a reason and i glad that u all turned out not just fine... but better :) well that's BLESSING IN DISGUISE for you :)
to everyone in nacc, juniors, seniors, alumnis...
i just want you to imagine nacc is a land full of fruit trees... different fruits are being planted on this land.. some of you are alike, some are different... we grow from a small little seeds... the soil is just like the alumnis that were once a tree but fallen (graduate from NP) and part of this rich n nutritious soil that provides the nutrients (guidance/experience/coaching) to the seeds (freshies) then along the way... some plants didnt make it (quit due to various reasons) the rest continues to grow stronger with each passing day..sometimes they are earthquake or natural disasters (quarrels/argument).. its better that we can prevent it or else we will just let time heal it.. soon flowers and fruits (medals) start to pop out n makes u look good on you... and the farmer (advisor) looking at you feeling proud... with all the fruits... the farmer is able to purchase better fertilizers & equipments (boats/paddles/life vests) to grow better crops... of course all these fertilizers & equipments will used up one day or spoilt due to wear and tear... that's why once the leaves fallen back to the ground and biodegraded with the soil (join the alumnis) we will continue to nourish the further seedlings that are gonna be plant on this land... let's continue with our rich culture in the club and protects our traditions...
President of 20th Com,
Alvin Lee
well... this year agm theme is to wear like a character from the movie... but i think its more like a theme called....
upper sec students and lower sec student.... and where is the teacher?
oreo taste good... 2 black biscuits sandwiched the cream! but i think it will be tastier without this kind of cream... any substitute?
i dunno is this return of the mummies or wat but they fit the theme! things come better in three! so even u anyhow dress u still fit into the theme of 3!
3 nat team girls from NP :)
i think 1 lara croft is enough... too many hot girls will cause drought...
this is how ppl usually pose beside superman...
benjamin learnt to point at ppl from harry bang hao...
all u crazy little girls... sadako only 2? not good... must come in THREE!!!
like the 3 alunmis.... nikki (19th com, Adventure Captain), sharon (19th com, vice president) and samantha (part of the ivp girls team in 2004)