its 4am! and i am still packing my room!!! its crazy that i realise how many stuff i have!!! i pack since 5pm can!!! i just have my breaks in between... i actually pack until very high! hahaha... i think i am crazy but its really shiok!!! last time all my pirated games i threw all away n keep the plastic casing! hahahahha omg i wasted so much money on all these stuff.... imagine they are at least $8 each disc... wau lau! i can buy how many clothes man!!!
talking abt clothes... i just counted... i have 14 t-shirts, 1 shirt, 1 shorts, 6 singlets, 3 jackets i have yet to wear!!! alot sia!!! i shall keep my chinese new yr money for clothes in bank! muahauahaua... and i layout all my electronic gadget boxes on top of my wardrobe... its like sim lim square can! hahahaa....
later gonna visit weicheng's mother with the rest of the SAFSA guys... and guess wat we all managed to raise 9k!!! that's alot man! and yeah thanks to everyone who donated! right after view i will head to training at NP and after training will be my pri sch xmas gathering! yeah!!!!
alright now back to packing!!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
we went to friendster!! hahaha so cool la... there is friendster cafe! but we didnt have our lunch there cuz its damm late and we want to hurry get our tickets to sunway lagooon!!!!!!!!!
during the whole trip... i realise something another fellow singaporean said in the coach.... "if this thing ever happen in singapore, i am sure someone will complain!" why he want to complain??? cuz the stupid bus agent person sold the same seat in the bus to someone else! cuz they thought the original customer not boarding the bus but they came on time! so end up the bus was like delayed for 50mins! HOLY SHIT! this indian or eurasian guy and his whole family rocks!!! they not only can speak english and tamil... they can speak fluent CHINESE!!! BETTER THAN GURMIT SINGH!! matthew was dammm SHOCK when the lady confronted that malaysian bus agent guy with HER CHINESE!! damm coool... i was sitting at the back row lying down and watch a real life drama that is more exciting that mediacorp channel 8 drama...
so u know why i said we all should always picked up another language??? and keep our mother tongue at the same time?? so that u freaking will know wat other ppl is talking about YOU!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
after 1 yr... lin finally commission!!!
i put my nick on msn.... alvin lin finally commissioned! then everyone come n congrats me... i was like -_-" huh... i said alvin lin NOT ALVIN LEE.... i am ALVIN LEE... it seems that ppl dunno my surname... hahaaa
my st gabs classmates.... lin and han wei... damm long nv see han wei already man! hahaha
philip salute lin... hahaha... philip just pop out n scare me... hahaha i freaking damm long nv see him... almost 2yrs i think...
i am so lazy to BLOG....
2007 is ending... yeah and i am already counting down to ORD.... somehow i just gonna stay focus n plan my stuff... been very distracted for the past weeks... yup.. been really busy whenever i book out... oh man... sometimes i really wish i can just stay home to do my stuff like clear my rooms n stuff but... i am forever meeting friends here n there.... and guess wat! jan n feb is coming which means the birthday party cycle is coming again!!!! so i just gonna stay broke again...... i shall be anti social for awhile... hahaha.... but XMAS COMING!!! i wanna go carolllllingggg!!!!! la la la... ya i cant sing but its ok to carol... CUZ EVERYONE IS SINGING.... my voice will be drown by them....
the donations for wei cheng is more or less done....
the donors n amount donated...
karin's mother: $200
ong kheng boon: $150
terence tan: $100
yong mou: $100
Alvin Lee (me): $100
Yao: $50
Matthew Hong: unknown (cuz he put it in the envelope)
so at least i collected $700... thank you guys for donating... i gonna meet kaihong this week to pass to him... whoever still want to donate can contact me via sms or email or tag on my blog... thanks....