la la la.... i dunno why like i not very affected by the fact that i am retaining another semester... i will grad in aug 06 instead of apr 06... that is like just 4 months later... but it will be a better experience as i will get to play IVP again... and still continue to serve my presidency for another semester... hmmm... not bad n at the same time... WORK! save money to go japan backpacking...
tmr i gonna get IPOD 20gb with colour screen... cant wait!!! $485 + $75(extended 4 yrs warranty)... its a bargain... i already order a camera connector for my ipod so that i can transfer photo to my ipod while on holiday without bringing my laptop n still can view photo with it... CANT WAIT!!!!
my japan host family are going to malaysia cherating on 19 to 22 oct... i think i will go over on thurs or fri to find them hahaha... it will be a 6hrs ride man... can die... but by then i will have my ipod to accompany me already!!! hahahaha... IPOD IPOD.... i am sooooo excited... anyway... i going to save up to buy a boat! yeah... i think i wanna get PINK... cuz NP boats at red... unless my other team mates get a boat too n we can get a different colour one!! then next time canoe polo competition will be more "colourful" muahuahauaha.....
my phone is spoiling... dunno why lor suddenly the phone keep hanging the moment i type some stuff... gone case sia.... i think drop tooo much... i think i going to ask miho mother to buy me a japanese phone... i am sure she will buy for me lor!!! hahahahaa.... its soooo cheap la jap phone...
anyway... my interest for canoepolo up one level again... thanks to our special guest on thursday... i learnt alot from u... and you are a really humble n friendly guy... hope to play with u more often :) you know who u are... *smiles*
Friday, October 07, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
EVERYONE!!! AS EXPECTED!!! I FAIL MY PROTEOMIC.... i am retaining another semester... haiz.. sian man... but i dun mind i think hahaha... die la so sad... first time i retaining in school u know... hate it.. argh... going sch later to appeal with joyce... dunno if can overload it... i dun want to waste my time just doing one module k! on a brighter side... poly batch for NS the earliest is only june lor... so even i grad so early no point right? end up i still be working n training... might as well officially still studying n can still play IVP! muahauhauaha..... not bad... next year the guys team confirm got me mark yan ren n joshua... hahaha... smarties jeremy n alvin lin are graduating... so i am gonna come out with an evil plan to make both alvin lin n jeremy retain! muahuhauahuahauahauahauha..... i going to restructure the whole nacc... time for REVOLUTION...