my xmas present this year!!! i am very surprised to receive it!!!!!! ahhhhh!!! THANK YOU WEILI, SIAO MEI AND EVELYN!!!!
welcome back TEAM SINGAPORE!!! hahaha siao mei saw my cousin!!! i still have not meet my cousin yet la! idiot!!! oei make sure u charge ur phone before u go out ah! hahaha...
met shy shi ai shy!!! hahahaa so long nv see her!!!
evelyn, ac and me... PRI SCH FRIENDS!! weee! both of them going aussie land to study! i cant wait to aussie visit them n grace n theo n whoever in aussie!!!! save $$$ to go aussie!!!!
this world is freaking small! i bump into hao there!!! HE SAT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! hahahaha... he went to corrinne may concert but i didnt seeeeeee HIM! wauhauaha!!!! and i saw my st gabs friend jeremy! wau lau damm scary nowadays.... i see soooo many ppl i know around... but its gooooood!!!!!
went to watch baghdad cafe performance with ac, pearlyn and evelyn!!!! wau the ppl are really damm zai! can sing, dance n act... not like me... dunno anything! hahahhaa damm cool la the music they played, is played by live band! not recorded one! SUPER DUPER COOL!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
this is my fav corrinne may!!! she talk to me!!! oh man!! i damm dammm nervous can!!! she commented that my camera is cute cuz its ORANGE IN COLOUR!!! she asked if i am a sports man! hahahaha ahhhhhh.... she so freaking nice can!!! i talk to her that i put her music in my blog n i read her blog!!! ahhhhh and she said she needs to update her blog soon... she have not update for like damm dammm long!!! ahhhhhh she is just soo sooo amazing!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
my buddy really really sing DAMMMMM GOOOOD!!!!
THIS IS THE BEST!!!! PHOTO WITH CORRINNE MAY!!!! I SET IT AT FULL RESOLUTION HIGH POWER AT 7.1MEGAPIXEL!!! i thought i was damm close to her but... i am still quite far from her in the pic... i should go MUCH MUCH CLOSER!!! AHHhhhhhhhh!!!! corrinne may is damm damm nice can!!! she so friendly n she always have this angelic smile on her!!!its unbelievable man!!!!
awwww..... her beautiful concert.... hail corrinne may!!!
isnt she SWEEEEEET!!!!!! she signed all 3 for me can!!! CORRINNE MAY I LOVE YOU!!! yeah u rock my world! more more more of u!!!
wooo! when president meet president! hahaa even oliver is at the corrinne may concert!! latest corrinne may fan! hahahaa!!