resume my blog entry....
today went chem lecture abit late... dunno why the gaps between the girls n guys so WIDE APART!!! is like 4 rows away... i just sit alone... and i realise that if i sit alone i really can absorb alot of stuff.... then after break i move over to sit with ben ho... he ask me my class the guys quarrel with the girls ar? then i say no... then i ask them earlier on they say is because got ppl invade their seats.... then i was like... huh... still got 2 more rows TOTALLY EMPTY behind the girls but the guys refuse to sit there... does the girls in our class really have that BAD BODY ODOUR????
during the lunch time... went to sit with ben ho yi yao n joyce.... joyce is damm funny lor... kao... i kept laughing non stop lor... aiyo... then saw nikkole jaynet they all... plus sun tian... then during physio lesson... during the break alot ppl left!!! i think got more than 70%.... then i stayed.... but shortly after got fire alarm!!! everyone went out of the lecture n waited.... then later go back in again... after that i think just left abt 40 plus ppl only... aiyo so pathetic... i just pity ms suja... but she explaint the nerve system that thingy until damm chim... she explain n dun explain no diff lor... haiz...
later went to nacc clubhouse the room n rest... so sleepy... then waited for everyone!!! alot ppl turned up for caps!!! went for that bilaying... damm funny.... ching was at the top then he pointed at his that part there n said PAIN PAIN!!! hhaha... can lin pull the thing till too tight!! hahaha.... was alright la the whole event... then later on we celebrated mark's bday... kao dowell was too much lor... he pour rotten egg n those cheese stuff on mark while he is in the rubbish bin!!! everyone can like just see how pissed mark was... but mark is a nice person so i guess he just care be bother... but that stuff really stink... worst than the worst fart i ever smelt.... YUCKS!!! then mark have to bath 3times!! later on me kervin pat rudith mami we all went to run 2.4km on track....
later on we all went to allameen... aiyo the food so sucky then everything so ex... kao... then later went to play pool for awhile... was fun la... then took bus home with kervin n rudith.... rudith damm happening sia.. she is the only girl always hang out with us beside eliza.... but rudith more ONZ! hahaa... was super tired lor... lin they all went alan house play...
today was late for CATS lesson for more than 30mins... it was damm heavy... the rain... no choice...was very funny during the discuss in class.... then acutally we all wanted to go on strike for the waa... but some ppl in the class not on one... then no choice have to go with them.... then today that hag aiyo... siao one... ask us think of 4 topic... then ask us to choose n we have to wrote our views in 2mins... siao!!! not enough to think lor.... then later 1230... she said ok class u all may leave... then that girl behind me saiy "HUH!!?!??!" then i quickly said" DUN HUH! JUST FASTER ZAO! LATER SHE CHANGE HER MIND!!!" then went canteen one to wait for shaffinaz went to museum together today... got this new exibition!!! damm fun!! now the museum also damm high tech lor!!! hehehee... then got the CDG room liao also!!! haiz.... i am too tired to blog further... shall continue blog tml.... nites....
// i just realise that i really miss u badly when there isnt any msg from u... \\
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Thursday, September 18, 2003
From my physio teacher's email... Miss Suja
P.S. -The majority of the grades were 80% and above. Although I am happy you all did so well, I realize that the exam may have been a bit easy for you. I promise that your second exam will be a bit more challenging.
i got 83... was quite good... but still very bad cause is like alot ppl got 90plus!!! aiyo... die ah!! hope she wont kill us in the next test...
today went to get new bankbook... they change the colour!! very nice... blue n orange!!! hehehe my fav... haiz so broke nowadays... must save... then take bus to work... then suddenly novi sms me to call her back... then call her... told her that i am on the way to work... then she say today no work!!! what the hell lor!!! she said there is the other time!! kao i felt so "cheated" lor.... argh... then she told me to come to the office today for briefing haiz... no choice stranded in the bus... didnt where it will go to beside mustafa... so called xue er n she come n find me asap... then try to catch the legally blonde show at 1245.... then i got down at novena... waitied awhile la... then went... so few ppl lor... i can count with both hands..
the show wasnt that nice as i expected lor... the first one was much much more better lor!!! this one is like only some part... the funniest was when they realise that their dogs are GAY!!! muahaha!!! nv heard that before but it is damm funny i thought her chihuahua is a female lor... hahaaa.... i was damm wrong... hahaha.... really not nice... i rather watch the first one again lor... haiz... so disappointed....
then walk around with xue er... talk talk alot then walk n window shopping... looking at some jackets.. dunno should get from S&K or U2... hmm... anyway i going to get a japs men's fashion magz n study their sense of dressing... cause went to that high sch the other day saw those japs wear till damm cool... they like to wear those singlets within singlets... lor... very nice... energy copy japs! anyway nowadays i shall use copy... should say... that's a trend... not copy... muahahah....
oh ya then today told xue er about those nanyang girls nv shave their armpitts hair she nearly choke with coke in her throat! muahaha!! damm funny u see her reaction... then later on got one nanyang girl past by... i told her to go to her and lift up her arms to check!!! hahaa.... she just couldnt stop laughing.... hahaa... then we went bugis to get my form for the JLPT... then clerk so freaking unfriendly... old hag... then went back bugis saw my classmate joanna with her friends!!!! hope she dun get the wrong idea that xue er is my gf... she is just my super duper best-est friend on earth... then went to visit eleen then went to pei her go n eat.... oh ya!! i bought nail polish!!! i am wan to paint my nails!! so cool right!!! .... ya right those who really believe i bought it to paint my nails must be crazy.... i am just wan to paint my phone!!! hehehe damm cool!! very nice!!! muahahaha.... i wan to go find orange!!! hehee....
then left for the briefing... sux sia... the jordan talk talk talk alot again n talk those stuff i know already!!! sian!!! then eddie told me that i am selling voice recorder again!!! what the hell lor!!!! i dun wan!!!! argh!!! sux... dun mention liao la... then end at 8.30.... went kinokuniya look for brush to paint my phone... argh better get going.... i need to finish my canoe report later... n print my notes!!! damm it... bye!!!
// miss ya.. \\
P.S. -The majority of the grades were 80% and above. Although I am happy you all did so well, I realize that the exam may have been a bit easy for you. I promise that your second exam will be a bit more challenging.
i got 83... was quite good... but still very bad cause is like alot ppl got 90plus!!! aiyo... die ah!! hope she wont kill us in the next test...
today went to get new bankbook... they change the colour!! very nice... blue n orange!!! hehehe my fav... haiz so broke nowadays... must save... then take bus to work... then suddenly novi sms me to call her back... then call her... told her that i am on the way to work... then she say today no work!!! what the hell lor!!! she said there is the other time!! kao i felt so "cheated" lor.... argh... then she told me to come to the office today for briefing haiz... no choice stranded in the bus... didnt where it will go to beside mustafa... so called xue er n she come n find me asap... then try to catch the legally blonde show at 1245.... then i got down at novena... waitied awhile la... then went... so few ppl lor... i can count with both hands..
the show wasnt that nice as i expected lor... the first one was much much more better lor!!! this one is like only some part... the funniest was when they realise that their dogs are GAY!!! muahaha!!! nv heard that before but it is damm funny i thought her chihuahua is a female lor... hahaaa.... i was damm wrong... hahaha.... really not nice... i rather watch the first one again lor... haiz... so disappointed....
then walk around with xue er... talk talk alot then walk n window shopping... looking at some jackets.. dunno should get from S&K or U2... hmm... anyway i going to get a japs men's fashion magz n study their sense of dressing... cause went to that high sch the other day saw those japs wear till damm cool... they like to wear those singlets within singlets... lor... very nice... energy copy japs! anyway nowadays i shall use copy... should say... that's a trend... not copy... muahahah....
oh ya then today told xue er about those nanyang girls nv shave their armpitts hair she nearly choke with coke in her throat! muahaha!! damm funny u see her reaction... then later on got one nanyang girl past by... i told her to go to her and lift up her arms to check!!! hahaa.... she just couldnt stop laughing.... hahaa... then we went bugis to get my form for the JLPT... then clerk so freaking unfriendly... old hag... then went back bugis saw my classmate joanna with her friends!!!! hope she dun get the wrong idea that xue er is my gf... she is just my super duper best-est friend on earth... then went to visit eleen then went to pei her go n eat.... oh ya!! i bought nail polish!!! i am wan to paint my nails!! so cool right!!! .... ya right those who really believe i bought it to paint my nails must be crazy.... i am just wan to paint my phone!!! hehehe damm cool!! very nice!!! muahahaha.... i wan to go find orange!!! hehee....
then left for the briefing... sux sia... the jordan talk talk talk alot again n talk those stuff i know already!!! sian!!! then eddie told me that i am selling voice recorder again!!! what the hell lor!!!! i dun wan!!!! argh!!! sux... dun mention liao la... then end at 8.30.... went kinokuniya look for brush to paint my phone... argh better get going.... i need to finish my canoe report later... n print my notes!!! damm it... bye!!!
// miss ya.. \\
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
yest after the stupid itp lesson.. went canteen 2 eat with the girls in my class.... heck care the guys because of that person i dun like.. yucks so action packed man... hate those ppl with very action action attitude n talk n comment on every single little things.. yucks... anyway during the lunch was talking alot stuff... muahaha... from abt ppl in our class to nanyang girls nv shave armpit... LOL.... later went library n did my japs hw... wau super sleepy lor... but anyway i manage to finish it... then dunno why that serene took my cap then walk to somewhere then come back.... weird...
the chem lesson end early... so i rush to canteen 2 to buy my nalgene bottle!! so nice! love it so much!!! then rush back to blk 73 for my japs lesson... oh ya i wan to go for that thai trip... but dunno whether will it crash with my JLPT test lest... haiz... dousho... then today japs lesson i really learnt alot of new words lor!!! then at the end of the class ask keiko sensei to teach me more japs.. using my host mother's letters.. cause some words she use cant be found in normal textbook it is the very typical kind of words that only that native understand.... cool man... keiko sensei so yasashii na...(gentle) GOOD!!! i think friday i should drop by her office to ask her photocopy that notes for me... haiz...
was abit late meeting lance they all for the project stuff but ok la.. not much preparation needed.. today the class presentation was super super fun man!!! oh ya we did the board game thing is fun but very draggy... then later on got the skit by kenneth group damm damm super funny!!! they do dog puppets n tell us abt why the puppies are diff colour from the parents... then at the end of the thing they play the song "who let the dog out" then the puppets were dancing... so splastic lor!!! but was really damm funny!! hahaa.... then later melissa group that game hor was fun but not fair lor... we suppose to win but we lost.... what the hell lor.... but anyway it is just a game so shant be so xiao qi!! later on went canteen 3.... i was queueing to buy my food the was holding on to an empty tray then eliza beat me from the back n i drop the tray!!! i was stoning lor... duh that i drop the thing.... the laksa in canteen 3 so tasteless one... not nice... then i dunno why jeremy vicki they all so nice... they said that we not making loss but profit... then i told them that they just split the profit among themselves lor i dun wan any cause i didnt do much... so it is not fair that i should take it.... I AM A FAIR PERSON!!! hahaa...
later on the biochem lesson was chim!!! aiyo must do research man!!! or else is catch no ball one... but quite interesting... weather was kind of cold... then later just went to snackbar area n wait for rudith... then was talking to xue er on phone... felt so bad that i didnt concentrate talking to her... too much distraction... cause when i reach there saw han sheng yong quan n gim chuan!! aiyo that toilet a.k.a han sheng as usual... when i talk on phone always touch my thigh so that i will laugh... haha.. so later met rudith n ching to do our caps project thingy... thought it gonna be very tedious but it was actually quite simple... i shall do it tml....
then kao... today increase the push-ups to 180!! kao i starts to think that everyone in nacc (ngee ann canoe club) is gonna be like superman soon lor... and we dun take supplements not like dragon boats.... then run past LT26!!! tanya was having concert there lor!! argh!! damit!! i wan to watch but got canoe lor... haiz.... really like her but haiz... nvm la got chance got chance... then today was really like superman... went gym then did 1 min of weigh lifting then rest 1 min then 1 min crunches then 1 min rest... keep doing it for the past an hr!!! my arms are so stiff!!! haiz... soon we all went for late dinner!!!! today was fun la.. got 2 new guys join us... one of them from biotech also!! but diff modules...
tml shall be going to work... then after work going to meet xue er for legally blonde!!! oh ya xue er if u are reading this.. i might end work early cause heard that they change the working timing... oh ya then when i went to eat at bukit timah market with my canoe buddies!!! i saw AKI!!!!!!! hahaha!!! so shock sia!! AKI!! hahah then talk talk with him... nice nice guy... ah... gtg sleep.... oyasumi...
// Hey Baby! I am having "fever" by being ur "super lover"... i like it cause it is the "best of my love"... "somehow" this is the "system of alive" that we can only have it only "this time" in our "new age dream" which can lead us to our "new paradise". "because of you" i had "feel the fate" and hope to have this "endless moment" with you.. "show me your style" and "i still love you"... \\
the chem lesson end early... so i rush to canteen 2 to buy my nalgene bottle!! so nice! love it so much!!! then rush back to blk 73 for my japs lesson... oh ya i wan to go for that thai trip... but dunno whether will it crash with my JLPT test lest... haiz... dousho... then today japs lesson i really learnt alot of new words lor!!! then at the end of the class ask keiko sensei to teach me more japs.. using my host mother's letters.. cause some words she use cant be found in normal textbook it is the very typical kind of words that only that native understand.... cool man... keiko sensei so yasashii na...(gentle) GOOD!!! i think friday i should drop by her office to ask her photocopy that notes for me... haiz...
was abit late meeting lance they all for the project stuff but ok la.. not much preparation needed.. today the class presentation was super super fun man!!! oh ya we did the board game thing is fun but very draggy... then later on got the skit by kenneth group damm damm super funny!!! they do dog puppets n tell us abt why the puppies are diff colour from the parents... then at the end of the thing they play the song "who let the dog out" then the puppets were dancing... so splastic lor!!! but was really damm funny!! hahaa.... then later melissa group that game hor was fun but not fair lor... we suppose to win but we lost.... what the hell lor.... but anyway it is just a game so shant be so xiao qi!! later on went canteen 3.... i was queueing to buy my food the was holding on to an empty tray then eliza beat me from the back n i drop the tray!!! i was stoning lor... duh that i drop the thing.... the laksa in canteen 3 so tasteless one... not nice... then i dunno why jeremy vicki they all so nice... they said that we not making loss but profit... then i told them that they just split the profit among themselves lor i dun wan any cause i didnt do much... so it is not fair that i should take it.... I AM A FAIR PERSON!!! hahaa...
later on the biochem lesson was chim!!! aiyo must do research man!!! or else is catch no ball one... but quite interesting... weather was kind of cold... then later just went to snackbar area n wait for rudith... then was talking to xue er on phone... felt so bad that i didnt concentrate talking to her... too much distraction... cause when i reach there saw han sheng yong quan n gim chuan!! aiyo that toilet a.k.a han sheng as usual... when i talk on phone always touch my thigh so that i will laugh... haha.. so later met rudith n ching to do our caps project thingy... thought it gonna be very tedious but it was actually quite simple... i shall do it tml....
then kao... today increase the push-ups to 180!! kao i starts to think that everyone in nacc (ngee ann canoe club) is gonna be like superman soon lor... and we dun take supplements not like dragon boats.... then run past LT26!!! tanya was having concert there lor!! argh!! damit!! i wan to watch but got canoe lor... haiz.... really like her but haiz... nvm la got chance got chance... then today was really like superman... went gym then did 1 min of weigh lifting then rest 1 min then 1 min crunches then 1 min rest... keep doing it for the past an hr!!! my arms are so stiff!!! haiz... soon we all went for late dinner!!!! today was fun la.. got 2 new guys join us... one of them from biotech also!! but diff modules...
tml shall be going to work... then after work going to meet xue er for legally blonde!!! oh ya xue er if u are reading this.. i might end work early cause heard that they change the working timing... oh ya then when i went to eat at bukit timah market with my canoe buddies!!! i saw AKI!!!!!!! hahaha!!! so shock sia!! AKI!! hahah then talk talk with him... nice nice guy... ah... gtg sleep.... oyasumi...
// Hey Baby! I am having "fever" by being ur "super lover"... i like it cause it is the "best of my love"... "somehow" this is the "system of alive" that we can only have it only "this time" in our "new age dream" which can lead us to our "new paradise". "because of you" i had "feel the fate" and hope to have this "endless moment" with you.. "show me your style" and "i still love you"... \\
Monday, September 15, 2003
aiyo yest was slightly late for my chem pract... but i am not the latest... anyway i dunno why yest in the morning i dun have the mood to talk so didnt talk much during the pract... sian was written in font 60 bold on my forehead... then went to do project later on lor... kao is not i dun wan to mention.. but that black piece of shit damm chee bong lor... he say he colour the board thing n draw it the rest of us go think abt 20questions each for our presentation on wed... FUCK lor... obviously that anyone with brains will think that the colouring is damm easy lor... n u know what... we did nothing that but just to see him drawing the board game thingy... kao he took dunno like an hr to just DRAW... is like damm fucking simple lor` i can finished it by 15mins... but SOMEONE dun wan me to do cause he wan to get all credits to himself... bastard... suay lor... kanna force to do with them... lucky wed is over... they damm idiot also lor cant stand it....
later on after ITA went to library with yi xin ya hui n serene... serene went up to pei her spousie... so me yi xin n ya hui at the snack area sit down surf net talk alot craps/..... anyway i going to give damm damm bad comment on our itp teacher lor really sux sux to the core man.... then later go outside meet jia zhen n kylie... talk abt that stupid stupid devila... kao she sux sux lor... i am not the only one that dun like her.... u see if alot ppl dun like that person right... that means is not my fault for hating that person cause is the person whose attitude sux! anyway later left with pat to go to the pool... she today went to lin booth there buy the bookmark thingy she said quite nice i wan go atrium to see also but i got that stupid project la...
went for canoe land training... kao eh... today got ball throwing again then i tried the long pass!!! yeah!! i improve already!! muhahahaha... *ganbatte* later on some idiot keep droping the ball on the ground then we have to do like more than 100 or 200 over pushups lor... sian... then later play dog n bone... how lame can we be... but anyway was fun la but still cant stand that stupid sissy guy who try to act macho muscular n anyhow do pushups lor... loser... then got another person now who start to gets on my nerve... keep on thinking he damm zai but he is not lor... then when ball throwing dunno why he just cant concentrate n anyhow throw the ball one... wau lau... then today end up... so went to bath n come out..... talk to ching... he also cant stand that bloody devila... bloody bitch...
then it was perry bday... but no wan dare to throw him into the bin... firstly... he too big size... secondly.. he too fierce... thirdly he seems to dislike us freshies... anyway eliza said we all biotech in canoe take pics... ask rachel help us take.. but the rachel so slow!! then everyone all come in n EXTRA lor... we cant take a proper pics!!! kao then everyone keep on disturbing each other taking photo!! LOL!! damm funny but irritating also... then later saw jiazhen n kylie again at the track they were walking round the track talking alot of stuff.... then pei them talk craps lor.... after that went home nv go eat with them... too late... go home wanted to do my japs hw n heck care that 20questions but i was damm tired until i just drop on my bed n immediately connect to dreamland....
now i having my stupid boring programming class... everyone just dun understand what the hell he is talking about.. i just heck care n dun do anything but just go type my blog read blog... ... die ah the japs hw i still have not finish yet counteed one leh!! must do during my 3hrs break but it is like damm damm chim lor... haiz... oh ya my host mother just sent me the new box of snack aiyo... i dun snack leh i rather havce some stuff like japs magz or some idol stuff lor.. i dunno lol... then she wrote me a letter can understand quiote abit but still need to ask my keiko sensei to translate... today wanted to bring my kitago photo to show keiko sensei but dun have the mood i guess maybe next week ba...
gtg.. shall blog again soon.. later tonight...
STEFF: take care.. nowadays read ur blog u like so down... dun really know much abt ur bf like what is he doing .. working or ns... so i cant comment much... just hope that everything will turn out to be fine to u...
XUE ER: tonight i try to call u k?? i will really TRY... no gurantee... as u can see from my blog that i am BUSY... oh ya.. abt this thurs right i working from 12 to 7 at mustafa... so meet u after that la... can??? will call ya...
// Love is.. soubetsu na... Love is.. taisetsu na.. Message.. kimi ni tsutaeta iso...\\
later on after ITA went to library with yi xin ya hui n serene... serene went up to pei her spousie... so me yi xin n ya hui at the snack area sit down surf net talk alot craps/..... anyway i going to give damm damm bad comment on our itp teacher lor really sux sux to the core man.... then later go outside meet jia zhen n kylie... talk abt that stupid stupid devila... kao she sux sux lor... i am not the only one that dun like her.... u see if alot ppl dun like that person right... that means is not my fault for hating that person cause is the person whose attitude sux! anyway later left with pat to go to the pool... she today went to lin booth there buy the bookmark thingy she said quite nice i wan go atrium to see also but i got that stupid project la...
went for canoe land training... kao eh... today got ball throwing again then i tried the long pass!!! yeah!! i improve already!! muhahahaha... *ganbatte* later on some idiot keep droping the ball on the ground then we have to do like more than 100 or 200 over pushups lor... sian... then later play dog n bone... how lame can we be... but anyway was fun la but still cant stand that stupid sissy guy who try to act macho muscular n anyhow do pushups lor... loser... then got another person now who start to gets on my nerve... keep on thinking he damm zai but he is not lor... then when ball throwing dunno why he just cant concentrate n anyhow throw the ball one... wau lau... then today end up... so went to bath n come out..... talk to ching... he also cant stand that bloody devila... bloody bitch...
then it was perry bday... but no wan dare to throw him into the bin... firstly... he too big size... secondly.. he too fierce... thirdly he seems to dislike us freshies... anyway eliza said we all biotech in canoe take pics... ask rachel help us take.. but the rachel so slow!! then everyone all come in n EXTRA lor... we cant take a proper pics!!! kao then everyone keep on disturbing each other taking photo!! LOL!! damm funny but irritating also... then later saw jiazhen n kylie again at the track they were walking round the track talking alot of stuff.... then pei them talk craps lor.... after that went home nv go eat with them... too late... go home wanted to do my japs hw n heck care that 20questions but i was damm tired until i just drop on my bed n immediately connect to dreamland....
now i having my stupid boring programming class... everyone just dun understand what the hell he is talking about.. i just heck care n dun do anything but just go type my blog read blog... ... die ah the japs hw i still have not finish yet counteed one leh!! must do during my 3hrs break but it is like damm damm chim lor... haiz... oh ya my host mother just sent me the new box of snack aiyo... i dun snack leh i rather havce some stuff like japs magz or some idol stuff lor.. i dunno lol... then she wrote me a letter can understand quiote abit but still need to ask my keiko sensei to translate... today wanted to bring my kitago photo to show keiko sensei but dun have the mood i guess maybe next week ba...
gtg.. shall blog again soon.. later tonight...
STEFF: take care.. nowadays read ur blog u like so down... dun really know much abt ur bf like what is he doing .. working or ns... so i cant comment much... just hope that everything will turn out to be fine to u...
XUE ER: tonight i try to call u k?? i will really TRY... no gurantee... as u can see from my blog that i am BUSY... oh ya.. abt this thurs right i working from 12 to 7 at mustafa... so meet u after that la... can??? will call ya...
// Love is.. soubetsu na... Love is.. taisetsu na.. Message.. kimi ni tsutaeta iso...\\
Aquarius Boy
The Aquarius boy generally keeps to himself. He has a lot of creativity within him and needs space to do his 'work'. He is not into sentimentalising and don't be surprised if he doesn't remember birthdays. A display of affection is not for him. But you can expect the unexpected. The Aquarius lad loves the company of someone who can keep up with him. He loves sophisticated gadgets, and don't be surprised if this techno youth ends up creating a software that leads to big success. Knowing an Aquarian will be a unique experience full of little adventures.
The Aquarius boy generally keeps to himself. He has a lot of creativity within him and needs space to do his 'work'. He is not into sentimentalising and don't be surprised if he doesn't remember birthdays. A display of affection is not for him. But you can expect the unexpected. The Aquarius lad loves the company of someone who can keep up with him. He loves sophisticated gadgets, and don't be surprised if this techno youth ends up creating a software that leads to big success. Knowing an Aquarian will be a unique experience full of little adventures.
Sunday, September 14, 2003
kao damm long nv blog so i split the entries...
so today SUNDAY!!!!
went to mac buy breakfast then the auntie very funny... she say i buy the meal they giving out free black bag... then i just take it lor... but dunno why only me got the rest dun have... then later on open got pokemon stuff inside!! LOL!! then was late meeting phoebe chan... then sharon was suppose to late but we all late so wait for her! go together... then at the bus stop saw this japs kids quite cute then the girl quite chio also... but nv talk to them.. so we reach the sch was cool!!! hehehe just walk around then we go to the balloonroom.. at first i thought must buy ticket then go in but!! everything in the sch is free except the food la!!! then went in the girl taught me how to twist it!!! then i speak abit japs then she thought i am japs but i said i am not then she say eh!! u look like japs... /pengs i seriously dun think i dun look japs but a freak! then robynne n serene they all still playing with the ballon then i went out the past by the next room then i look inside then i saw that japs guy serene took photo with him that not that shuai guy but she kept saying he is! then i run back tell serene then she run with me to there!! LOL... make such a comotion there... then later just walk around the whole sch with phoebe n sharon they all.... we went into the science lab then saw keiko sensei!!!! then the teacher there was doing this sutff by mixing all the chemicals then u get some slimy thingy... quite cool... then learn japs words from keiko sensei!!! hehee she damm nice!!! cant stand it!! I LOVE NICE PPL!!! then later on we went for the campus tour... 2 girls took us round the sch... yukari n hiroko!!! only 16... then me n sharon got their email address... will keep in contact with them...
then went to planetium room... damm cool!! they move the ceiling then got this dome shape thing come down... then everyone crawl under then they switch on a device then iniside look like a universe!! then they show us how to look at stars... cool!!!! then later on went to another room call mischeif... then keiko sensei ask them what are the thing abt... they say actually they are a grp of ppl who very interested in design then their graffiti damm cool man!!! then went to eat takoyaki... then thing was quite nice... but waited very long then go to the haunted house!!! then serene they all were there already... kao bo jio LOL... then we all queue... dam damm long... then later our turn... i took photo with that japs girl outside!!! kawaii ne! hahaha... then she gave us that touchlight the light so weak!!! then wei ming went in first lor... then he went in so fast!! then so dark i dun have touch!!! *lost* then i took out my GD88 the light stronger than the touchlight!!! then i dunno why i was like when they scare me i was still deciding to scream or not!! LOL... liantee a.k.a lagging princess detected!!!!
![she is kawaii!!!](http://www.angelfire.com/hero/w-inds/jpgirl.jpg)
this is the takoyaki place...
later on we just left the place... no more stuff to eat n we all hungry.. then left went to eat with sharon n wei ming... had laksa.. quite nice la... then later left them... sharon went home.. wei ming go meet that funny girl!! LOL!! then i go mac find robynne they all... then went off soon... when we outside! saw that guy n girl in the bus stop this morning!! so qiao lor!!! then they keep asking me to ask them take photo with them.. so i went to ask them to take photo with them!! then they very friendly lor!! the most friendly japs i ever met in SINGAPORE... others very dao one... then girl ask me that i am chinese right... then i nods.... they say she can speak chinese!! cool!!! then the guy very funny.. he say why we wan to take photo with them.. then i couldnt think of a reason so i just crap n say... oh cause we like to take photo... so lame right... what to do... then we took n say bye bye.... then later on... liantee still wan to ask them for contact no. ask me go take... haiz then follow them to the bus interchange there n ask them... i ask them how old they are... then they said 14!!!!!!!!!! SHOCK lor!!! kao!!! then the guy ask me where i live... then i say yishun but they dunno where so i point up day north.. then he said"UE?" mean upstairs the house... then i say no no!!! haha he damm funny then the girl explain to him say near malaysia there but actually not that near malaysia but that is the best explaination... then later on i ask them for their contact then the guy damm funny... he wrote his name then pass me back.. then he say he forgot his address!! LOL.. the girl said he just came from japan so he dunno.... then they left quickly for their bus!! without leaving their contact.... haiz.. nvm got fate one la will see each other soon one.. then later on pei them take bus 14... then lian tee keep on complaint that i nv take that guy no. lor... but i not i nv get or dun wan lor is that he FORGOT ok!! aiyo the liantee abit problematic one sometimes... haiz... reach home just sleep for 2hrs....
then later on i call my host mother!!! cause wed she called me but i not at home... so i called her!! talk to her alot!!! talk abt my sch then i join canoe explaint to her got such thing as canoe polo... then told her abt the summer festival n today the high sch thing... n alot stuff.. told her i now like w-inds alot... then she say her phone everytime ring ring got w-inds paradox ringtone!! LOL... funny... then she say tml she free go n help me buy w-inds magz! nice host okasan man.. then she say now japan still very hot... must wait till oct then cool.... then ask her abt how is masaki... then she said he now in a specialise sch.. those electronics stuff one... very late then reach home one... ganbatte!!! wonder how they all look like now... guess they all change liao... anyway hope got more time to write to them....
gtg man... just realise tml have to collect the tanya chua tickets to watch the thing but i dun think i going... then tml got canoe training!! wau die sia!! i need alot rest man!! haiz!!! better go sleep early!!!
// let me be ur keichan! let me be ur super lover! \\
so today SUNDAY!!!!
went to mac buy breakfast then the auntie very funny... she say i buy the meal they giving out free black bag... then i just take it lor... but dunno why only me got the rest dun have... then later on open got pokemon stuff inside!! LOL!! then was late meeting phoebe chan... then sharon was suppose to late but we all late so wait for her! go together... then at the bus stop saw this japs kids quite cute then the girl quite chio also... but nv talk to them.. so we reach the sch was cool!!! hehehe just walk around then we go to the balloonroom.. at first i thought must buy ticket then go in but!! everything in the sch is free except the food la!!! then went in the girl taught me how to twist it!!! then i speak abit japs then she thought i am japs but i said i am not then she say eh!! u look like japs... /pengs i seriously dun think i dun look japs but a freak! then robynne n serene they all still playing with the ballon then i went out the past by the next room then i look inside then i saw that japs guy serene took photo with him that not that shuai guy but she kept saying he is! then i run back tell serene then she run with me to there!! LOL... make such a comotion there... then later just walk around the whole sch with phoebe n sharon they all.... we went into the science lab then saw keiko sensei!!!! then the teacher there was doing this sutff by mixing all the chemicals then u get some slimy thingy... quite cool... then learn japs words from keiko sensei!!! hehee she damm nice!!! cant stand it!! I LOVE NICE PPL!!! then later on we went for the campus tour... 2 girls took us round the sch... yukari n hiroko!!! only 16... then me n sharon got their email address... will keep in contact with them...
then went to planetium room... damm cool!! they move the ceiling then got this dome shape thing come down... then everyone crawl under then they switch on a device then iniside look like a universe!! then they show us how to look at stars... cool!!!! then later on went to another room call mischeif... then keiko sensei ask them what are the thing abt... they say actually they are a grp of ppl who very interested in design then their graffiti damm cool man!!! then went to eat takoyaki... then thing was quite nice... but waited very long then go to the haunted house!!! then serene they all were there already... kao bo jio LOL... then we all queue... dam damm long... then later our turn... i took photo with that japs girl outside!!! kawaii ne! hahaha... then she gave us that touchlight the light so weak!!! then wei ming went in first lor... then he went in so fast!! then so dark i dun have touch!!! *lost* then i took out my GD88 the light stronger than the touchlight!!! then i dunno why i was like when they scare me i was still deciding to scream or not!! LOL... liantee a.k.a lagging princess detected!!!!
![she is kawaii!!!](http://www.angelfire.com/hero/w-inds/jpgirl.jpg)
this is the takoyaki place...
later on we just left the place... no more stuff to eat n we all hungry.. then left went to eat with sharon n wei ming... had laksa.. quite nice la... then later left them... sharon went home.. wei ming go meet that funny girl!! LOL!! then i go mac find robynne they all... then went off soon... when we outside! saw that guy n girl in the bus stop this morning!! so qiao lor!!! then they keep asking me to ask them take photo with them.. so i went to ask them to take photo with them!! then they very friendly lor!! the most friendly japs i ever met in SINGAPORE... others very dao one... then girl ask me that i am chinese right... then i nods.... they say she can speak chinese!! cool!!! then the guy very funny.. he say why we wan to take photo with them.. then i couldnt think of a reason so i just crap n say... oh cause we like to take photo... so lame right... what to do... then we took n say bye bye.... then later on... liantee still wan to ask them for contact no. ask me go take... haiz then follow them to the bus interchange there n ask them... i ask them how old they are... then they said 14!!!!!!!!!! SHOCK lor!!! kao!!! then the guy ask me where i live... then i say yishun but they dunno where so i point up day north.. then he said"UE?" mean upstairs the house... then i say no no!!! haha he damm funny then the girl explain to him say near malaysia there but actually not that near malaysia but that is the best explaination... then later on i ask them for their contact then the guy damm funny... he wrote his name then pass me back.. then he say he forgot his address!! LOL.. the girl said he just came from japan so he dunno.... then they left quickly for their bus!! without leaving their contact.... haiz.. nvm got fate one la will see each other soon one.. then later on pei them take bus 14... then lian tee keep on complaint that i nv take that guy no. lor... but i not i nv get or dun wan lor is that he FORGOT ok!! aiyo the liantee abit problematic one sometimes... haiz... reach home just sleep for 2hrs....
then later on i call my host mother!!! cause wed she called me but i not at home... so i called her!! talk to her alot!!! talk abt my sch then i join canoe explaint to her got such thing as canoe polo... then told her abt the summer festival n today the high sch thing... n alot stuff.. told her i now like w-inds alot... then she say her phone everytime ring ring got w-inds paradox ringtone!! LOL... funny... then she say tml she free go n help me buy w-inds magz! nice host okasan man.. then she say now japan still very hot... must wait till oct then cool.... then ask her abt how is masaki... then she said he now in a specialise sch.. those electronics stuff one... very late then reach home one... ganbatte!!! wonder how they all look like now... guess they all change liao... anyway hope got more time to write to them....
gtg man... just realise tml have to collect the tanya chua tickets to watch the thing but i dun think i going... then tml got canoe training!! wau die sia!! i need alot rest man!! haiz!!! better go sleep early!!!
// let me be ur keichan! let me be ur super lover! \\
today wake up at 7!! then i was rushing like hell lor but still manage to reach sch on time!! hehee... today went for biochem lesson first... i only had 4hrs of sleep lor... but i didnt dooze off so much in class... manage to learn some stuff... biochem is very diff.. must jia you man!! later on the sch was like flooding with rain water lor cause today the rain was like so heavy.. then we went to canteen 4 eat... on the way there got one lecture the door outside was like pouring with tons of water.. kao... why the NP ppl there dun wan to upgrade the whole campus...
anyway later went to atrium to set up our business.. was better than yest!! at least i did some stuff... yup.. i decided that i only wan to get between 5 to 10% profit from the whole thing lor... yee wen really did alot for us... anyway today my side was much better at least got some ppl d/l the stuff from me... then i also did henna on some ppl.. LOL!! i was quite good la.. not bad for a beginner.. i wrote yi xin n melissa's japs name on their hands there... then help ya hui's friends do simple henna! oh ya.. then vicki was doing that dragoon thing for nickkole... i spelt her name wrongly today. i spelt as nicolle... tiao.. then business was quite good la... that's what i can say...
later on went to CA that thingy to annnounce to everyone i quit sub com lor.. is like so lame lor... they ask me did they pressure me or what... anyway i dunno i just anyhow say dun have cause i dun wan the whole thing drag... anyway they wan me to return the shirt is like come on lor... over my dead body.. i am so happy i am outta hell!! HURRAY! LOL... oh ya then later left lor.. i felt so so bad that i didnt help them to clear up the stuff... haiz... then went for canoe caps thingy... aiyo.. so sian lor.. i thought will be run n run n dunno some training thing but we just ran round the campus then went to bath... tiao... then later on went to library for some lessons on expedition.. kao now even canoe got project sia... how lame can life be.. must pass up on 2 weeks time.. then went to eat lor... argh so tired these few days... i gotta rest well today lor... cause this whole week i hardly sleep more than 5rhs lor. i got a feeling that if i dun rest more soon i will breakdown when i reach my limit... haiz.... rest well!! argh... oh ya... i decided that i should make a pen for all my friends who are taking o level this yr.. then they can use it n remember me that i am there to support them!! jia you guys!! u all can do it!! Kao i cant believe i am so sweet beyond sweet lor!!
muahaha... i just read mel n serene blog so must add some stuff... i decided to publish their names... that calvin he is SICK!!! kao u know me at the booth there then vicki was doing henna on this pink girl.. then calvin came over n ask vicki to get her no. cause he wan to know him... then vicki is like showing him the *huh what the hell* face... he really sick lor... then calvin went around telling ppl abt that girl... then mel later sit beside me told me that then i was like ya lor he damm sick... cause he like the girl because her boobs is big... what the hell... u wan big boobs go america find pamela anderson k?? oh ya then alot ppl in my class all skip physio LOL!! anyway really lor physio u dun have to go lesson one just read from notes can liao... after this bazaar thing i think our class relationships is getting better but still can see that iron curtain... melissa!! thankz for helping us out during the bazaar n ur support!! next time will support ur stuff also!! then yee wen really work very hard for this event!! everyone just did it well!! *CLAPS*
super sleepy... woke up at 8.. then rush rush to sch on time.. i go canteen 3 buy char shao bao... cause really very hungry... then go wait for vicki n xiu fang go for cats together... then the new classroom is very nice!! but kind of cold... abit the doing nothing in the class very slack... it was really damm quiet until i was smsing with my phone can hear the click sound so loud... aiyo... then later the teacher wan us to take photo with his stuff!! damm funny lor... the old man he is very funny... kinda like him cause he got this damm damm cheerful smile n attitude all the these... PMS-free teacher LOL!!! then still got some time we go canteen 1 eat abit stuff with some other guys from our class... dun wan to go the waa class early lor... cause change teacher... the previous one was super good lor!!!! argh!!! we went on strike for 15mins... the new teacher sux lor.. really sux so boring till i was dozing off in class.... anyway next sat i not going to the class i going canoe... got the 3 on 3 competition!!! aiyo then today went for polo training... DAMM! i didnt warm up.. then starting already alan ask us to sprint... kao i paddle damm hard was very fast but suddenly my right hand there STIFF!!! is not cramp lor is just stiff... the whole muscle there is like damm stiff n hard like going to burst any sooner or later.... aiyo... then i cant paddle that much... go to rest but i still force myself to paddle on... cause alan said if got the chance to get into the boat must make full use!!! *ganbatte*!!! then at least improve some stuff but due to my right arms i cant do must stuff than usual cause must rest... then later ball throwing kao... my arms really tired lor... so cant throw that well... i guess i must go get a polo ball practise it at home when free....
later on we all went KAP mac... *oily food*... dun wan to eat mac but no choice follow the crowd... LOVE ppl around me so must LOVE their decision also.. LOL!! poor ching.. i quit ca he join ca... at mac we just crapping alot... LOL... eliza very funny girl... nowadays she always click to us!!! funny!! LOL!! then later went home then pack stuff go meet wei ming then go bugis wanted to register my JLPT but the place close already... haiz... then i go bugis giordano find eleen!!! yeah!! my sista eleen!! treat her ice milk tea!!! hehee!!! aiyo until now giordano still short of staff... jia liat... then talk talk alot to her LOL!! poor eleen she said she not in orchard district anymore so dun think will transfer back to PS... *sobs* then i later on walk around with wei ming.. oh ya then went to that shop at edge DDP!! the shirt is damm damm nice lor!!! n guess what! is on offter!!!!!!!!! 2 shirt for $15!!!! kao i was on saving $$ mode but see such a good deal n the shirt quite nice so i just bought lor...!!! *happy* long time nv buy shirt n i think suddenly like no nice shirt wear so i bought loy!!! happy!!! then later on walk past a shop play the sun yan zi yu jian that song!! so nice! then i just stand outside the shop listen then wei ming tell me dun be lame n go off...
later on go eat then i saw wei lun!!! NO!! is not wei lun!!! is wei lun's twin!!! ah!!! i shock shock!! LOL... then i msg wei lun then he say why i nv go talk to him then i was like huh i dunno him lor talk to him for what... LOL... then he say just bluff him la!.. *sweat rolling down my face...* then later on just go wei ming house stay over cause he wan to go that japs high sch with me also.. la la la... *sleep*
anyway later went to atrium to set up our business.. was better than yest!! at least i did some stuff... yup.. i decided that i only wan to get between 5 to 10% profit from the whole thing lor... yee wen really did alot for us... anyway today my side was much better at least got some ppl d/l the stuff from me... then i also did henna on some ppl.. LOL!! i was quite good la.. not bad for a beginner.. i wrote yi xin n melissa's japs name on their hands there... then help ya hui's friends do simple henna! oh ya.. then vicki was doing that dragoon thing for nickkole... i spelt her name wrongly today. i spelt as nicolle... tiao.. then business was quite good la... that's what i can say...
later on went to CA that thingy to annnounce to everyone i quit sub com lor.. is like so lame lor... they ask me did they pressure me or what... anyway i dunno i just anyhow say dun have cause i dun wan the whole thing drag... anyway they wan me to return the shirt is like come on lor... over my dead body.. i am so happy i am outta hell!! HURRAY! LOL... oh ya then later left lor.. i felt so so bad that i didnt help them to clear up the stuff... haiz... then went for canoe caps thingy... aiyo.. so sian lor.. i thought will be run n run n dunno some training thing but we just ran round the campus then went to bath... tiao... then later on went to library for some lessons on expedition.. kao now even canoe got project sia... how lame can life be.. must pass up on 2 weeks time.. then went to eat lor... argh so tired these few days... i gotta rest well today lor... cause this whole week i hardly sleep more than 5rhs lor. i got a feeling that if i dun rest more soon i will breakdown when i reach my limit... haiz.... rest well!! argh... oh ya... i decided that i should make a pen for all my friends who are taking o level this yr.. then they can use it n remember me that i am there to support them!! jia you guys!! u all can do it!! Kao i cant believe i am so sweet beyond sweet lor!!
muahaha... i just read mel n serene blog so must add some stuff... i decided to publish their names... that calvin he is SICK!!! kao u know me at the booth there then vicki was doing henna on this pink girl.. then calvin came over n ask vicki to get her no. cause he wan to know him... then vicki is like showing him the *huh what the hell* face... he really sick lor... then calvin went around telling ppl abt that girl... then mel later sit beside me told me that then i was like ya lor he damm sick... cause he like the girl because her boobs is big... what the hell... u wan big boobs go america find pamela anderson k?? oh ya then alot ppl in my class all skip physio LOL!! anyway really lor physio u dun have to go lesson one just read from notes can liao... after this bazaar thing i think our class relationships is getting better but still can see that iron curtain... melissa!! thankz for helping us out during the bazaar n ur support!! next time will support ur stuff also!! then yee wen really work very hard for this event!! everyone just did it well!! *CLAPS*
super sleepy... woke up at 8.. then rush rush to sch on time.. i go canteen 3 buy char shao bao... cause really very hungry... then go wait for vicki n xiu fang go for cats together... then the new classroom is very nice!! but kind of cold... abit the doing nothing in the class very slack... it was really damm quiet until i was smsing with my phone can hear the click sound so loud... aiyo... then later the teacher wan us to take photo with his stuff!! damm funny lor... the old man he is very funny... kinda like him cause he got this damm damm cheerful smile n attitude all the these... PMS-free teacher LOL!!! then still got some time we go canteen 1 eat abit stuff with some other guys from our class... dun wan to go the waa class early lor... cause change teacher... the previous one was super good lor!!!! argh!!! we went on strike for 15mins... the new teacher sux lor.. really sux so boring till i was dozing off in class.... anyway next sat i not going to the class i going canoe... got the 3 on 3 competition!!! aiyo then today went for polo training... DAMM! i didnt warm up.. then starting already alan ask us to sprint... kao i paddle damm hard was very fast but suddenly my right hand there STIFF!!! is not cramp lor is just stiff... the whole muscle there is like damm stiff n hard like going to burst any sooner or later.... aiyo... then i cant paddle that much... go to rest but i still force myself to paddle on... cause alan said if got the chance to get into the boat must make full use!!! *ganbatte*!!! then at least improve some stuff but due to my right arms i cant do must stuff than usual cause must rest... then later ball throwing kao... my arms really tired lor... so cant throw that well... i guess i must go get a polo ball practise it at home when free....
later on we all went KAP mac... *oily food*... dun wan to eat mac but no choice follow the crowd... LOVE ppl around me so must LOVE their decision also.. LOL!! poor ching.. i quit ca he join ca... at mac we just crapping alot... LOL... eliza very funny girl... nowadays she always click to us!!! funny!! LOL!! then later went home then pack stuff go meet wei ming then go bugis wanted to register my JLPT but the place close already... haiz... then i go bugis giordano find eleen!!! yeah!! my sista eleen!! treat her ice milk tea!!! hehee!!! aiyo until now giordano still short of staff... jia liat... then talk talk alot to her LOL!! poor eleen she said she not in orchard district anymore so dun think will transfer back to PS... *sobs* then i later on walk around with wei ming.. oh ya then went to that shop at edge DDP!! the shirt is damm damm nice lor!!! n guess what! is on offter!!!!!!!!! 2 shirt for $15!!!! kao i was on saving $$ mode but see such a good deal n the shirt quite nice so i just bought lor...!!! *happy* long time nv buy shirt n i think suddenly like no nice shirt wear so i bought loy!!! happy!!! then later on walk past a shop play the sun yan zi yu jian that song!! so nice! then i just stand outside the shop listen then wei ming tell me dun be lame n go off...
later on go eat then i saw wei lun!!! NO!! is not wei lun!!! is wei lun's twin!!! ah!!! i shock shock!! LOL... then i msg wei lun then he say why i nv go talk to him then i was like huh i dunno him lor talk to him for what... LOL... then he say just bluff him la!.. *sweat rolling down my face...* then later on just go wei ming house stay over cause he wan to go that japs high sch with me also.. la la la... *sleep*