HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY NAT!!! yeah now we can watch RA movie together legally!! hahaa... and i think everytime me nat jon took photo is nicer than we take one by one... right!?
its been damm long since i see alll of them.... most of them are from diff class... they from 4e1 i am from 4e2.... but almost half of them is from my low sec classes... benjamin chay i have not see him for almost 5 long years!!! he is still funny as usual... really damm funny... oh man... we all must hang out more often man!!!
so at nat's bday... my pri sch friends were there tooo! i know kai xin know nat... but i didnt know skinny monkey (right) know nat tooo!! yes its been more than 7yrs i nv see her!!! i always call her skinny monkey in pri sch until now i still dunno her real name!!! hahahhaa i bet she miss me calling her skinny monkey!!! reason why i call her that is cuz that.... during pri 4 she did a skit n during the skit she was called skinny monkey so then on i keep calling her that! hahahaah..... oh man! i have not see alot ppl for a long long time ma!!! how i wish i have more time to meet everyone!!!!