CAPS GOLF was GREAT!!! BUT MY DCC ROCKS BETTER MUAHAUHA.... however.. i was kinda pissed at certain point of time... anyway... i get to really know my juniors much better during caps than dcc... partially cuz during dcc i was running the whole show n dun have time to talk to any of them... and i very sian that i have to partner a girl again for a expediton... caps echo -> JuJu, caps fox -> June Tiong, Pangkor -> Jerlyn, caps golf -> marilyn... wau piang... super sian la... i want to enjoy the expediton n not go there to correct their strokes... i have been correcting everyone strokes during training until so sick liao... end up i become a stern turner during the whole trip... anyway long expedition is no kick for me now... its just barely 16km during a single trip... hahahaaa...
Most of the time i was freaking hungry... so hungry that i went to bite the canoe bow... muahuahauaha
jun kang super funny as usual again... entertain me the whole trip... my sunshine boy in my UTTER UBIN GROUP... he "VOMIT" on me on the way back la!! he was paddling by my side suddenly he just shout... YOU SICK SHIT!!! and the whole soggy cereal just splat on me like vomit!!!!! i was NOT ANGRY.... I WAS SUPER AMUSED N LAUGH UNTIL I ALMOST CAPSIZE.... hahahaaa later on i did back on him... muhauahauahauah its sooooo fun to throw "vomit" on one another... thanks for this brillant idea man... hahahahah
during the campfire... wau bring backs memories... my scouting days... hahaha but anyway its was a canoeing version of campfire... so freaking lame until i can die sia... anyway all our cheers all cannot make it except peter's group... it was super funny la... he is really a great actor... and ya my group cheer was suppose to be dammmmm funny but dunno how end up damm sucky... hahaha...
the best part was the king n queen one... yan yi is so rubbish la... he told karin when they were pretend to be couple..."HONEY, YOU ARE AS HOT AS THIS CAMPFIRE" wau piang... that is soooo not true hahahaha... freaking lame la all the stupid twins actions hahaha...
My group was really fun bunch of ppl... oh ya.. then i get to know jappo collin they all better n keep on playing those kiddy games with them... esp 007 bang... wau the first time i played with jappo i laughed until my slippers flew off... hahahaha so funny the way she scream doesnt scare u but make u laugh so hard that u just want to keep laughing... hahahaa... the who wat huh game is damm fun too... karin is damm freaking lag n terence is so blur n nicholas is such a great actor too...
i really love my juniors to bits... ya i gonna feature my beloved juniors in the next entry... i want to change my blog layout soon but i ammmmmm soooo god damm busy right now... actually... i really got nothing much to do nowadays but attachment n training... before that i was flipping my organiser... everyday was so packed... now i flip open... the whole of october is EMPTY!! can u believe it... its like i have no meetings no appointment no camps nothing at all u know... i am so stunned... well its good.. my top piority is to get my attachment stuff all sorted out first... follow by training hard now for SRRR'06 soooo much things to do yet so little time...
i am starting to plan my after graduation timetable... the earliest NS intake is june for poly students lor... that is like soooo long... and i grad like end of feb... i got almost 4 months to enjoy la... in that case... i want to fly to japan n stay with my host family n work part time there... experience life there man!!! hope those ppl there will want to employ me... SLEEP SLEEP... i am super tired now...