why does guys hate butch n gay so much? by saying someone is butch n gay make u more man? being str8 man means you very man? when you dare to insult/criticise/comment on others and when they confront u, why dun u dare to speak up? when ppl dun offend u, why do u have to offend others? i dun wish to wash dirty linen in public so shant said wat happen... only those present will know... anyway i really admire that girl who really step forward in how ppl say her... she stand up for her own view and confront 100% all guys when she is just a girl... great personality... everyone is at fault too... but i learnt something from the incident...
from today onwards i wont go down alumni pool slot without my team down... i dun wish to play with "dirty" players... i rather go down kallang for sprinting... be with trashy ppl will make u trashy too... like wat stanley said... there is nv a bad junior but a bad senior... that's making sense.. i will make sure my team wont be a bunch of bad seniors...
i need to train up on my running alot... but my coughing is still there... dammit... taking cough drops everyday... i need to hydrate myself often... i need a new bottle! i am a great student... i rush 2 report today in the lab... nothing but just typing report away... almost couldnt go for training but i still make it... have to celebrate my dear sprinting captain, wei qiang birthday... HAPPY 19th Birthday!! welcome to the last year in the 1 digit.. hahahaa...kallang sprinting this sun! must apply sunblock...
my laptop is officially in hospital undergoing hard disk transplant.. free of charge.. still under warranty... TOSHIBA sucks.. dun ever get TOSHIBA stuff... its TRASH! i think dell is good... my lab computer are DELL... HP printer is good too... :)
quote of the day....
u earn respect from ppl when u respect them first...