i have an urge to blog... here i go... heard that the sprinters are doing well for their competition!!! *claps* sat after my pool training i going down straight to kallang to support them! yeah baby! win plenty of medals back for ngee ann ok! get the sch to buy more K boats for u all ok! pretty sad that i choose to work in the IT show over going for the IVP sprinting race... but i think that i shouldnt be so selfish... i should just get someone who train every sunday n to go for the race instead... since i didnt go down kallang for so damm long... anyway i really hope one day i can get to partner weiqiang for any T2 or K2 event... we shall be the fastest sprinters in singapore! well... i decided that after my exam.. i will start my kallang training... i will try to get the sprinters to push the sunday training to a later time... so morning i go for polo pool slot.. then rush down to kallang for sprinting.. yup.. i going to push myself to do well in both polo n sprinting..
well if anyone see me so moody nowadays is actually alot due to schwork n canoe stuff... 4practical test this week and perl programming is getting nowhere but just keep screwing up and the forever postpone agm n the forever changing 20th com position and the coming RD is stressing me... i just realise that i make a big big mistake... i shouldnt have all the year 1 in the RD committee... my initial thoughts is that i can train them to learn to organise n plan stuff but end up... me n wq is doing most of the work n they dun do things as fast as they should be... guess i should have a mixture of new birds n old birds... and many sch have yet to reply to me!! on the brighter side... mr gopi told me abt the power boat thing n i call the person... guess wat! he is my sports camp solariz member! hahaha... sometimes i am really bless by the fact that i know alot ppl! really happy that they are willing to help me... i have alot of thanking job to do after the event...
to counter my stress build up... now i have a new hobby... borrow some weird cd from the sch library... not really weird la but just borrow some nice smoothing music... been listening to alot of sarah mclachlan songs... really really nice... then i play it before i sleep... while lying on my bed.. i felt as if i am lying on my coffin n slowly dying off... HAHA... well the other day i have this dream... i dreamt that my brothers chase me out of the house... cuz i dun belong to the family... and my mum is crying loudly that somehow everyone found of i really dun belong to the family... and i am only sad to leave my "mum"... then i dunno what happen liao...
miho is in singapore!! its been a year since she came... last yr she came with her younger bro n mother! now she came alone! for a month!! woohoo! but abit bad timing la... cuz i will be busy all the way until 3rd april after RD... but after RD i will start my attachment the next day! wat a good timing so i have to try to squeeze watever time i have to bring her out... she staying at lionel house... well planned to let her try out canoe polo on tues but.... she got the girl thing u know so... i really DUNNO WAT TO DO WITH HER! then just talk to her n stuff... she going fukouka university to study eng chinese and make up! hahaha... ya next time i will be talking to her in 3 languages!!! so anyone want to know her n go out with her tell me k!!! then later on we went to ikea... bring her to have some nice food... then its like singapore really boring once it hit 9... u only can go home... then my mother came n fetch her back to lionel house... and she going to stayover at my place one of the days but dunno when... anyway... my japs rocks ok! at least now i can really communicate with her!
read phoebe's blog!!! damm cool la she living in aussie n that day she online she showed me her jap hw... wau lau eh! so super duper advance jap! its like really japanese la! hope that i really can be that good... anyway i really plan for my future...
after grad from NP... see if i have time to go for long holidays like backpacking to somewhere... before going to NS... then when i in NS i try to learn jap in a slow but consistent pace... get my JLPT 2...then apply for a place in japan university.. yes.. u guess it... i going to further study in jap and not in biotech or any science... seriously i am a too hyper person to be inside a lab... i will end up having party in the lab... once i get my degree... i not going to work as some translator or wat... i will apply to be an air steward!! hahaa... dun laugh... travelling is my dream... cuz i want to see this world.. as in really experience almost everything this world have to offer... the different culture... and i will pick up photography... a free lance photographer cum air steward cum japanese translator... muahauhaua... well of course.. i will try to get my canoe mates to share n build a swimming pool somewhere n we can have polo training together! hahaa...
well back to reality... i have yet to complete amb n have yet to start aqua pract... tmr is a busy day....