(Used to be known as SINGAPORE HISTORY MUSEUM)
its been like dunno how many donkey years since i step back to this place... i used to be volunteer here with my fellow st gabs classmates and get to know a bunch of funny ppl! ever since it renovated i always wanted to go back n check it up.....
its FREAKING NICE LA! u see my photo n yeah.. impressive huh my photography skill! hahaha... *AC* i bet u will love n dying to go the museum n cam whore with me! hahaha JULY OK!! *just pray that i dun die in brunei in june ok!
when i step in.... i saw this freaking BIG POSTER!
yeah i decided to watermark these nice photos in case some asshole steal my photos again...
i will make a nice watermark soon... COMP CRASHED...
and... i saw daryl pan pic there! ho ho damm funny... i was laughing nonstop... since when u put shaving cream on nose? *imgine hairy nose make me laugh n laugh BIG HAHA* anyway its quite nice... and nowadays advertisement quite smart huh... get all these ppl n put their sports there... make all the girls drooooooool..... hahahaa
*anyway they got daryl's surname wrong...
so met jon, sam, hao, char.... went to chill at giraffe!! yup its quite alright place to chill... but weather freaking hot... and i decided to stop drinking alcoholic drinks... bad for me... after chill out... they went chiong and me n johnny went to thomson for supper....
we were trying to find our HK cafe shop n we got lost n landed at mediacorp! HAHHAA.... trying to see if there is any super star there at nite... can send them home or jio them for supper... hahaha anyway yeah reach out destination..... *grace* its the HK cafe that u wanted to go before u left singapore!!!! its super nice! we will in JULY ok!?!!?
so yeah photos all in my hp n i cant connect to my bro comp dunno why so yeah food is good... tell u all next time with pics! muahjauhaua