(*Photos by Lin Wei Dong)
he damm funny la he have all his performance at all the toastbox outlet!! and pls pls go catch him tmr sunday 21 sept at causeway point at 5pm.. be there early or he will be GONE! hahaha....
check out some of his songs!
thanks weidong for putting up all the nice photo at his blog... its all so nicely taken... pls visit wei dong blog for more pic!!! meanwhile the rest of the photos are taken by my new canon ixus 80... not so nice cuz i set iso very high at 1600 cuz alot ppl push here n there so i need to up the iso level or else all photos will just BLUR!!
check out somemore song!
his mushroom hair damm cool man.. hahha denise should have this hair... suits her pongkies image... hahaha
his live performance is DAMM GOOD.... his live is better than the cd.... his concert next year feb!!! tickets on sale in OCT... my birthday in feb huh... so u all know wat to do huh.... *AHEM* buy me his concert tickets la... FRONT SEAT that kind u know u know?
if u dunno.... HE IS THE HOTTEST STUFF IN TAIWAN NOW!!! u can youtube more of his videos!
this song is damm nice... but is not in his album.... it was played in my blog quite some time ago... nice songs must take out n share again! hahaha ENJOY!!