Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jason Mraz Concert~!

went jason mraz concert with yao, weyman..... julin, van sat at somewhere further back... hahaha..

but before concert must eat some yoguru~! hahaha... freaking nice... i want yogurt everyday!

jason mraz!!!! wooooooo~!!!

mauhauhuaha.... we are ready to PARTY! hahaha

jason mraz on stage!!   i gotta say that his live vocal is very impressive! and he is damm funny!!

post concert....
me n yao went nuts!
after the concert... it rain so heavy! thanks for lui she got alot umbrella! hahaha cuz earlier on the day we bought esprit umbrella as its on sales! hahahah thanks for the sales if not we will be all WET!

look at julin! she laugh until so unglam... and she turn back and the wind so strong that turn her umbrella inside out!!! hahahaa

during lecture.... nabilah playing with my snnooooopy!!!!

my baby snooopy pop out from my vest! ahahhaa.... SNOOPY!

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