weijian and mingxue trying to stone... hahaha
ac with the pri sch friends n RP friends! :)
mingxue weijian ac me..... one last group photo before ac fly off!!!
zixin is back from germany!!! yeah!!! have not see her for 1.5yrs already! dammmm long!! n i manage to ask her alot abt studying in germany!!! :)
dun u think that she look a little like corrinne may?? at certain angle!!!
finally get to meet siao mei after sooooo long la!!!! i think the last time i met her was when we go watch srrr competition hhahaha or is it her bday? hahaha damm long la... like finally met up!! hahaha
minds cafe rocks... i think its much better than settlers.... dinosaur bones rocks!! hahaha
me n siaomei with our CLEAN green army socks!!! SHE IS GONNA WEAR THAT TO RUN WHEN U GO TO JORDAN ON MONDAY>.... confirm will be on headline! hahaha...
arent u jealous of my new camera??? the nice shots are FUCKING GOOD!!! looks so professional... oh man... superb shots! hehehe cuz i rocks! hahahaha super nice... was testing out after meeting siao mei...
birthday boy.... HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY RUIXIANG!!!
the girls were busy with their stuff....
tiong reading harry potter's last book! i have no idea why when i view on my mac is portrait but upload became landscape... funny!
daph playing ds lite...
only denise came over n hug me!!!!!!!
meow! u all better go chill out with me or else scratch u! hahaha
went to chill out after cutting the cake at rx house! the place is freaking cool... jeremy intro to us... this place really rocks... as good as one rochester man!!!
nicholas's watch.... looks kinda normal but if u go close up....
the watch when it is light up! its freaking cool right!!! cool shit man..... i want to get the watch n its damm cheap only $150!!! people if u want buy me bday gift! get this kind!!
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