F1 private function & a busy long weekends
I was invited to attend the F1 private function @ clark quay... took photos with the HOT MODELS... both of them were wearing DAMM high heels...
my face like that is cuz the models told me to act cool and they pose as james bond... faint...
after that... they went in to take photo with me beside the F1 car~!!! *tsk tsk* excited~!!!
MIKA~!! 2 times F1 winner...
i sat at the exact spots as him~! hoho... F1 ROCKS~!!!
they launched the pact done by johnnie walker...
before that... went to aisha house for hari raya... this time round we have alot more ppl~!! funz!
and i want aisha's father's car~!!!
the nite before... was at butter factory with xue er and wei jian and grace~!
grace and xue er...
yeah i think its too loud~!! hahaha... we are too OLD~!
we are both aquarius~!! haha
and the nite before the previous nite... (*trying to confuse u all!)
met up with my ex-olympus colleagues.... karen, alice and lynn... hahah so fun to just hang out with them... we were at TCC and sat for 5hrs plus and keep drinking the ice water! i went toilet for 5 times~!!! omg... lynn is living at shanghai now so this meet up is FOR HER~!!! i will go shanghai soon to find u ok! hahaha
then few weeks ago... went to khansama with zixin, ac, wei jian, xue er, grace.... the food rocks~!! its been sometime since i last met up with ac... i seriously in love with khansama~! its soooo gooood...
the katong gang ppl... hahaha dun need any intro.. u all should know who are they!
break fast with the muslims.... went to pizza hut near sch...
the girls... made so much noise that other table SHHHHHH at us... damm those ppl...
and of course the GUYS~!!!
all of us.... its a quiet and nice evening... time to head back to study~!!! gonna be real busy man... and i have not post up nat champ photos for last day!!! soon sooon~!
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