Jamie and Beth hanky panky inside the car... hur hur!! LOL!!
what an interesting way to sell your boat!! Singapore we only sell it thru forum? hahhaa
i will really wanna buy it and just use it for club training...
new Flight air! so nice huh.... cant wait for the S version to be out.... ahhhh I LOVE CANOE POLO!!! :)
yes.. that's me! no.9! and that's jamie as the ref...
who threw that ball there!?!?!? tsk!
the water is soooo damm bloody cold!
me taking the PENALTY SHOT! lucky it went in!
i miss playing with yen... the only girl in our team and she is really good for a girl!
3courts playing canoepolo at the same time! power huh!
1 British, 1 Hong Kong guy, 1 Malaysian girl, 3 Singaporeans... so international huh...
it's ok mates... we may not get 3rd.. but we did extremely well and came in 4th... we only had 1 training together!!! let's fight back next time... soon! :)
Canoe Polo competition in Awara, Japan... and now Liverpool, UK... I am looking forward to more international competition... u dun have to be in national team to go for international competition... as long as u love canoe polo... u can go anywhere!
Introducing Team ULU! Gavin the guy with no facebook... haha from HK!
Youcai!!! thanks for allowing me to crash at ur place!
this is yen! i wonder when will we meet again! hopefully soon!
sorry i dun have other's individual photos... and this is me! ERUBIN! hahaha
The rest of the Team ULU... ULU = University of London Union!
Hope to see all of you soon! :)
Goodbye UK.... I am gonna say BONJOUR TO PARIS~!!! :)
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