Thursday, September 18, 2008

5th Japan Trip 2008
Day 7 - Awara Training Day 2

Fukui prefecture have produced 5 nat team players... the most so far from the prefecture... 2 are in the senior team, jun and ueki..... U21 have 3... koichi, shuhei, teppei

their awara cup use the same design every year... they just change the colour of the different part of the design... quite cool huh... so ppl roughly know which year u are wearing from the colour! its bundle up with the competition fee.... we should make it like that next yr for nat champs!

koichi house.... the place where the party is held!!!! hehe....

TEAM SIM-gapore - Alexis, Alvin Erica

katsumi & erubin

koichi & erubin.... actually i look like japs right? just pluck eyebrows then hair abit longer... hahhaha then when pose for camera just twist n make ur eyes small... HAHA

that's maiko! behind the pic... the dog belongs to koichi... so cute right!!! I WANT!!!

i have no idea why JUN KANG like to pose with food in his mouth....

rui xiang forgot to shave.... someone pls help his shave can?

MAUHAUAH!!! pandora getting drunk soooooon!!!! shake her head!!!

HONG GAY already seh liao!!!

damm funny.... koichi's father came in with a box... then when we open up... IT LOOK LIKE hua diao jiu.... some chinese cooking oil la damm funny... hahah then everyone just drink n drink... damm crazy..... this day photos not so happening.... cuz the happening one is all in VIDEO!!! muahuahaua.....

the girls... just drink n went crazy!!! hahaha....


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