Thursday, August 11, 2005

yest was at NUS doing my FYP... so fun la! went to meet carol.. but she was like still at habourfront so i decide to go central library to like walk walk... there is a bazaar there.. its like more happening than NP la.. so many ppl were there... then before that i called eleen to ask if she is in NUS... she said she is at the arts canteen then i told her i will see her there later but end up i bump into her at central library la... hahaha she bluff me sia! hahaha.. then did some catch up...

then carol reach NUS already... i told her i will meet her at the deck.. then she was like... where is the deck... then i SHOUT... ITS THE ARTS CANTEEN LA! hahaha... then she was like OH OH>.. hahahaha... talking abt NUS student.. i am more NUS than her la... hahaha... then i took a bus there.. then she was like... why u take bus? then i said... its far wat.. guess wat.. she walk me from arts canteen to central library... i was dumbfolded... ITS DAMM BLOODY NEAR LA!!! CANT BELIEVE IT MAN... wau piang.. then i saw 2 of my primary sch friends la... damm funny... they were like so shocked!! then ask me how come i am at NUS... then i said... OH U DUNNO MEH... i DUN NEED TO GO NS!! hahahaa...

so yest saw alot of my friends at NUS... mostly girls la.. DUH! cuz all the guys at NS.. then saw marlene too.. its like... almost all my friends who go NUS... are all taking ARTS la... then i was reading this NUS newletter.. there is this article abt ppl going NUS arts n social science... welcome those student to NIE of NUS.. cuz like most of them go into teaching after that.. sorry if wat i say will offend anyone.. but i think NUS arts n social science its like quite easy to get in compare to any other courses.. that is wat i heard.. but not necessary that because their result are bad that is why they are in arts... some ppl just dun want to do sci, dun want to do business, dun want to do engineer... so they just do arts!! i guess that might be my future route if i can and want to go NUS for further studies... but have to see how... NS will be my turning point in life i guess... who knows... i complaint so much that i hate BIOTECH... MAYBE I MIGHT WANT TO FURTHER STUDY AFTER NS? hahaha...


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