Tuesday, August 12, 2003

yest sleep early... hehee.... what to do new aim... got work harder so sleep early... nv blog... yest sux la hate that stupid ang moh teacher who cant teach always talk to himself... blah.... then yest went to canteen 2 again.. later on got cell bio lesson.. manage to learn something n didnt sleep!!!! CLAPS!!! then later on the chem test.. was quite easy but i am afraid that might not score well due to some careless mistake haiz.... then after that went for my japs class...

quite fun... my japs class then get to talk to other ppl... the florence she is from hong kong but dun look like leh... hahaa then the fi fi very funny hahaaa.... then went home liao.... had burger king for dinner.... then faster finish my chem tutorial... go n rest... aiyo dunno why my skin nowadays dam dry... so i yest put moisteriser.... must put often liao... tml i gonnna wake up early n go n sun tan!!! muahahahaa..... later got canoe yeah!!! must work hard!!! hehee... blog again later....

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