Saturday, August 09, 2003

friday went sch went red shirt n white boardshorts... celebrate national day mah... then saw melissa in canteen 1.. was eating mah... then she join me... then ask... Eh.. why u wear red shirt! u suppose to wear that white polo shirt with us remember... then i was like shit! so forgetful hahaa... then go for our lecture liao... haiz... my cell bio i study but still fail... what the hell... argh.... must work hard for my cell bio man... oh ya.. then chem test is on tues... i got confidence my chem will score well... then the alex chang.. aiyo give us so long chain of carbon plus alot br n cl to name... wau piang... but after learning look back at those previous question was like chicken feet plus toe.... later on physio... the lesson was so much like sec 2 science leh just that it include more chim words lor...

later on we went to convention hall with suja... then the whole place was like so pack... then we were given red bandana... was quite fun la... n some speech given by principal n other VIP... make me even more PROUD of NP!!! yeah! it rox not like other poly... to me.. i only like NP respect SP but dun like the other 3 poly, e.g. TP... then went to find jia zhen shao bin liantee zhen yao.... we went library while shao bin went home first... wau lau damm shitty lor... went library in the room watch w-inds video... only got 4 of us lor.... then that stupid irritating auntie came in kao peh.... by the time she came in the show already finish... then she kao peh n say what are u all watching!!! show me!!! then i was like.. kao u think we were watching porn meh... then i play the video let her see... then not porn lor... then she ask us get out lor... say dun disturb other ppl... then i was like.... BUT HERE ONLY THE FOUR OF US!!!! she dun siao siao reply what... U ALL NOT HUMAN IS IT.... pls lor... kao we wan to do our own stuff she keep on kao peh... stupid bitch... i dun wan my name to be written in that flirty book so i dun kao peh with her... we all went atrium... watch Daria... the cartoon damm funny sia.... then waited for celest dee dee they all....

then went to PS... i went up to GIORDANO FIRST N VISIT XUE ER.... haha then talk to that kenneth... then know that he is 19 n going into ns.... aiyo he dun look that old... n really damm blur one... hahaaa.... poor xue er was like cant stand him lor... hahaha.... oh ya dunno why that day got so many ppl i know in PS... i saw the acs baker ppl from JI first 3 months... the kenneth n the who.. then later saw edwin... then later elaine saw me... hahhaa then later saw desmond...

later on we all went to hans n eat... kao those aunties there sux lor... dunno why damm buay song with us... we like to joke n have fun cannot huh... then when jia zhen was talking abt something funny the auntie come n disturb... damm anti climax... then while we eating... they were already mopping the floor n can smell the chlorine n alcohol smell... damm strong lor... pls lor we are still eating lor... chee bong bong lucky we all in happy mood dun wan to kao peh... poor liantee was kanna suay by us that day until damm jia liat... hahaaa.... later we all siing bday song n faster go our liao lor...

later on go take some photo outside fish n co... then went back PS to watch midnight show... then watching daddy day care at 2.15.... then before the show start we were like got 3 hrs... then me n yong quan watching dumb n dumberer on my laptop... ok la quite funny... they really damm stupid lor.... they were like look at the chio bu n say LOOK she isnt wearing any undies..!!! i wore 2! then the other guy was like ME TOO!!! siao... dumb! later on watching some chinese mtv.... hahaha then toilet a.k.a beng a.k.a han sheng.... say... eh later u look at ben sing chinese song damm funny... hahaaa... cause ben was from acs baker... u all know la... those eat potato one speak chinese damm funny... then sing even worst right!! hahaa... oh my god! then ben was like so crazy over hao xin fen shou the cantonese version one!!! hahaa... oh ya... then i just realise that kerrie she was from cedar!!! tiao! then she show us her ic... tiao! look so shuai.. abit like edison....except the mouth area la... later on go watch movie liao.....

kao the show was like.... boring... is not nice at all lor... i only laugh abit... is really damm lousy lor... then yong quan was like.... just now we watch the dumb n dumberer was nicer than this one lor.... i agreed.... then we all went to 7-11 to buy things n eat.. then go somerset mrt n sit down... then ask me bring out my laptop again to play music! then until 6plus then got train then we all went home liao....

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