Thursday, April 24, 2003

kao today start work damm pissed lor... si bee bee.... first thing come to work kao peh me for wearing blue jeans cause suppose to wear black pants or jeans.... then that stupid auntie that i dun like she was wearing dark blue jeans lor~! and is not black damm chee bong lor~!!!! argh~!! si bee bee.... then later kao peh me again for losing that plastic thingy for measuring the body temperature one... then that time ah lam was joking with me to ask me keep... then i dun really keep keep just throw inside my locker then lost it... then now bee bee kao peh... chee bong lor.... not as if i was paid damm good lor... paid me so little still kao peh so much... then ask her whether this sat can do morning shift or not... kao peh me again say cannot... that time when started working she said can lor~! and say as long as is not last min or the day before... chee bong today is thurs lor.. and i was talking abt sat not fri lor~! argh... nvm... got to see whether peh ting wan to exchange with me... argh....

then is like suddenly feel like quitting then dun wan... up n down.. kao eh... i think when sch reopen i quit go giordano work ah~! must tell kanika help me look out for other branches~!!! now must earn $$$ to pay alot things... my phone bill which is $312~! and i dun understand why so much stupid M1~! suck "M"oney "1"One (get the picture?) M= money 1= one... Suck Money One lor... argh.. lame... i just heck just let it cut then i go apply for starhub... hehee... then slowly pay the M1 bill... then most of my earning should go to my future laptop leh... but still not sure which one to buy... my off days must go sim lim take a look and at the same time buy my cd writer~! dunno should buy or not leh... cause if my new laptop got cd writer then no need ba.... haiz... confuse~! when i get my first pay i will give $50 to my mother to cut her hair~!!! must admit even though i always kao peh her so much but sometimes just because i really care then kao peh her... or else i will just ignore her mah... cause nowadays she so late than come back... nowadays very hard to earn money for taxi drivers.. ppl like mingxue so scare to take cab home even there is no transport late night lor... then my useless father dunno what the hell he doing lor... everyday relax there... like some damm bloody god lor... when i go out to work he still sleeping... when i reach home he already at home reading newspaper n watch tv... then the phone is just beside him he dun wan to pick up... expect me to do everything for him.... basket lor... lucky i got kao peh him these few days nowadays when i came home he damm scare of me.... muahaha i just like to kao peh...

anyway today during my break... so damm hungry lor... go eat macdonald that new promotion thingy... burger with small fries small coke only $3.95... quite cheap lor... then after finished my fries and still have coke n half eaten fish burger... i walk towards the food court and eat chat siew rice... but nice leh hehehe dunno why no ppl go there eat one... haiz... then when eating my 2nd meal.. was complaining on phone to ac... hahahaa...... then later on ask AC pretend to call me cause i in front counter can pick up phone~! muahaha... then when ppl come just pretend is another reservation... i think he suspect i talking to someone else... muahahhaa.... sian-ed...... today work at night very shiok cause i dun need to clear plates all these... just stand by the front and welcome the customer~! muahaha.... then saw that stupid micheal face again... :P

after that then went home as usual.... this morning was watching ayumi that J-phone commercial~! oh my god the phone damm nice~! and the polyphonic ringtone damm nice~! sound just like mp3 one lor... and is damm loud~! hahaha damm cool~!!!!! then the whole day i was singing the song "hanabi" chorus.... heheee.... nowadays also like Lead.... muahha damm gay-ed.... haiz... nowadays BoA dun have any new song leh.... so sian.... almost all her song i know how to sing liao.. no kick... not like last time when BoA just release No.1~! damm nice the song... then is like i damm desperate to learn the whole song... hahahaa.... the song is so BoA~! hahahaa..... talking abt music... last time i like linkin park... so so lah... then now dun like them... dun really like their songs... nowadays rock song just dun ROCK~! get it~! hahaha... and i find rock song meaningless just like techno.... pop at least there is a story in every song... even though the song is sang in diff language... but u can feel the music is telling u a story in a music language.... that is art... muahahaa....

anyway damm pek chek just now... cause when i came home today then i remember that i miss that japs drama... damm shitty sia lor... argh... sian-ed... oh ya... my webby damm long nv update liao... dunno leh nowadays so busy leh... then off days are so precious... have to do other stuff leh... then as promise i going to build the new section call hall of shame.... that is just a temp name... when the whole thing come out will have a new name... hehee i am planning all these while liao just that dun have time to do it... and new section also include gallery for my GD88 photo... those photo taken by my phone... so cool~! hehee...... anyway got to sleep liao........ Time by Me, Myself and Alvin ---> 2.14am

PS: damm sian-ed cause xue er nv update her blog~!!! still 16 april lor~!!!! today is like 24 liao lor~!!!

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